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  1. Jimmymaxxing

    6’6, I get mogged too often, what should I do??

    Hey man thanks for the reply, replying to you about my jaw, it is not 100% the angle, this is an asymmetry that I do have and I think it’s from sleeping on one side a lot more than the other for years. Is the right jaw better or worse than the left? I’m so used to seeing my own face I can’t tell.
  2. Jimmymaxxing

    6’6, I get mogged too often, what should I do??

    Bro I came here to get hard criticism 😭 like what should I work on?? I feel like my cheekbones and chin are recessed, with low maxilla, how do I fix that
  3. Jimmymaxxing

    6’6, I get mogged too often, what should I do??

    I’m 6’5 and a half barefoot, not counting hair lmao 😂
  4. Jimmymaxxing

    6’6, I get mogged too often, what should I do??

    I’m 6’6, is it over? I wanna looksmax hella, what are my flaws and how can I fix them