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  1. Tim

    Not really, its just that idgaf that much anymore. There are better things to focus on. Then on...

    Not really, its just that idgaf that much anymore. There are better things to focus on. Then on something that's not worth it in the long run imo
  2. Tim

    Great man, how are you?

    Great man, how are you?
  3. Tim

    need nihilus music recommendations

    Start listening to Hans Zimmer
  4. Tim


  5. Tim

    JFL Chess

    Anyone wanna play some chess?
  6. Tim

    I love our community

  7. Tim

    I love our community

  8. Tim

    Discussion Thoughts on Fred again..?

    He is great, but i prefer rally house :
  9. Tim

    Method No BS, only way to get successful

    This isn't the only method. Furthermore, it's likely not the best one, but it's certainly one approach.
  10. Tim

    Discussion How many of you are neuro-divergent and how intelligent are you?

    I am currently 18, and I took the test when I was 9 or 10. The result I received was an IQ of 122, i dont think this is correct though. (Side note: I have ADHD as well. Don't stress it; just make sure to stay away from social media or things that can give you easy dopamine. Also, consider taking...
  11. Tim

    Why is there no delete option for threads?

    Yea we can
  12. Tim

    Theory Why Gay People Are Good For Your Dating Life

    Do i need to say more?
  13. Tim

    Theory Why Gay People Are Good For Your Dating Life
  14. Tim

    Theory Why Gay People Are Good For Your Dating Life
  15. Tim

    How can a man be gay

    SO stopping your main income source is a good thing
  16. Tim

    Theory Why Gay People Are Good For Your Dating Life

    They are still mentally ill though
  17. Tim

    How can a man be gay

    Im not rage bating, i am trying to understand how people can be gay
  18. Tim

    How can a man be gay

    I am not anti climate change but the country i live in takes it way to serious, we are gonna cut of our main income source for a better climate f**k off. I live on a farm myself i kill my own chickens for a fresh piece of chicken, we also have cows we kill for food. We treat these animals like...
  19. Tim

    How can a man be gay

    And ofc almost noone is able to pull a girl that looks that good but still girls are way more attractive than dudes. How can a dude think that a other guy looks so good that he wants to f**k him