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  1. P

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    Thank you man means a lot I’ll definitely invest in this and check it all out seems like a long process but I’m up for it should I also invest in an ice roller? I’ve heard they also are good in this field and how do you recommend losing face fat and dark circles on my eyes?
  2. P

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    Trying this still can’t manage to keep my tounge up when my teeth are closed
  3. P

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    I’ve been trying to new but I’m unable to close my teeth whilst having my tounge to the roof of my mouth Altho when I don’t close my teeth it does work. Do you know what could be wrong?
  4. P

    Rate my looks 0/10 brutally honest I’m 5’4 16 is it over for me? And how can I improve everything

    Be as honest as possible I can take it just need to know what’s wrong and how I can improve and be better