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Search results

  1. A

    Surgery options

    didnā€™t know that! but doesnā€™t HA migrate as well? :/
  2. A

    Surgery options

    thanks man! under eyes and cheeks to fix assymetry and get a slightly more youthful appearance.
  3. A

    Surgery options

    thank you so much for your input; I really appreciate itšŸ«” should I avoid going for rhinoplasty or fat grafts as well? I feel like my nose really disrupts my face
  4. A

    Surgery options

    āœļø im taking notes bro
  5. A

    Surgery options

    fellas is it over if i donā€™t get a bimax? can i substitute it with anything? itā€™s not accessible here in sweden unless you have medical problems and iā€™m a bit hesitant about doing it abroad but looking into barcelona and romešŸ§šŸ»
  6. A

    Surgery options

    open for other suggestions if yā€™all think any other surgery would be better for me!
  7. A

    Surgery options

    yes itā€™s mostly the angle and the hairstyle tbhā€¦ but i get how it would be perceived as receding. iā€™m religious with the fin and rogaine tho
  8. A

    Surgery options

    Appreciate both of yā€™all and the engagementšŸ«”
  9. A

    Surgery options

    āœˆļø omw
  10. A

    Surgery options

    Thanks, that sounds like good advice!
  11. A

    Surgery options

    Hi fellow looksmaxxers, I'm considering various cosmetic/surgical treatments to enhance my appearance. I've thought about: 1. Fat grafting to address under-eye hollowing, sunken cheeks, and to give my face a slight lift. 2. Rhinoplasty to correct my asymmetrical nose/nasal septum and to...