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  1. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    I might have went overboard on you @Nihilus. You did nothing wrong and were actually willing to help me... That's what I get for not looking back at convos. If I hurt your feelings by adjectives, I am sorry.
  2. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    how will you help me exactly... Everything you even said here apart from racially motivated slurs has already been said a thousand times. Still willing to try if you are not too butt hurt about the message above, trying to improve my twitter communication skills. Message me in case you actually...
  3. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    Thanks for sharing your well thought and well articulated opinion.
  4. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    and you have nothing to say than just call me incel?? At least I am trying to improve myself despite the shitty genetics I was born with. Imagine using the word incel as an insult in a self proclaimed incel site smh.
  5. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    Or just ban a person who has different ideologies than you, great job! You have people saying the n word constantly and you are going to ban anybody who has an idea that is slightly different than yours. You should not be a moderator of this site or any site
  6. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    How about you talk to me man to man instead
  7. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    I want to show you what I mean.
  8. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    can we private chat?
  9. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    what are you going to do? Go on a power trip and delete me? Go on... I won't show a shred of respect to somebody who pushes people to give up and who makes a mockery of what truly ugly people have to go through. Every person I have seen in here is good looking.
  10. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    Blackpill after looksmaxxing is redpill. Do I have to explain your own ideologies to you?
  11. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    Because this is looksmaxxing forum. Isn't looksmaxxing about improving your looks to the absolute of your ability? Or do not even know what looksmaxxing even means? Blackpill is about giving up. They are f*****g opposite.
  12. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    So? Does that make my opinions invalid. That's childish, how about you try to formulate a proper sentence instead? Or something that comes anywhere close to having a shred of value.
  13. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    You think I don't know that? I have been a social outcast for all my life. No girls or anything close to a relationship. I had to be happy by myself, while everybody else assumes the worst about me from something I couldn't even control. And when I improved myself, nothing changed. Yet, I still...
  14. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    Nihilus I saw the other shit you write. How about you stop shaming people about what they can't change and guide them to improve on things they can actually change? You disgust me.
  15. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    You can be happy without being beautiful, I am speaking from experience. All the shit I have went through made me resilient and gave me the chance to experience good after living in hell
  16. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    and what is that truth you idiot?
  17. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    It isn't a pill. It is reality. The fact that you have to write at 60px with bold font makes you seem retarded
  18. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    he doesn't. I might be f****d, but at least I am mentally well enough to not call random people on the internet retarded. Oh, how tf is that possible? Sorry to break your bubble, real life isn't only about your looks, grow up.
  19. DishartenedVoid

    Is it over?

    U look good, idk what's up with all the negative comments. At least I know that you look much much better than me