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“Gym/ muscles is cope”


Well-known member
Established ★
Oct 11, 2024
Saudi Arabia
Before you say this, get shredded then tell me if the girls interested in you become hotter or uglier or the same.

I had zero muscle mass and was very skinny and tall even tho i had a good frame I used to only pull whales and mtbs max, i got called beanpole by whales, backhanded and cruel comments about being lanklet. True death sentence
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Inb4 “u need to be barely muscular to be ideal” bro me and dudes bigger than me are considered skinny by some women. Do better g, its ideal cause you see most chads have that build their faces are enough.
100% true. Focus on other things. Last year I gymcelled hard and was a literal cel. This year I have probably received more positive female attention than I ever have by stopping the gym and working on my face, neck, frame, hair, ect. It's cope.
100% true. Focus on other things. Last year I gymcelled hard and was a literal cel. This year I have probably received more positive female attention than I ever have by stopping the gym and working on my face, neck, frame, hair, ect. It's cope.
He's saying it's not cope, and that he had a good frame but that wasn't enough for him.
i leanmaxed without much muscle at all and now have a gf and get approached on night outs by girls, and also guys jfl.

muscle is defo cope for looks but good to do since a health max and good mentally.
1/ Hitting the gym isn't cope

2/ Doing your cardio will not melt your muscles, it will improves your sexlife and your recover for more muscles more workouts and lower down your bodyfat & become sharper overall

3/ Better be bald, small, ugly AND fit, than being a lard ass

4/ You don't need supplements and roids (unless health issues)

5/ No need to spend 2 hours at the gym 6 days per week

6/ Calistenics guys mog because they match the female gaze

7/ Aesthetics IS LAW

8/ Forearms, glutes, neck, shoulders need to be priotized for men. YOU NEED FRAME

9/ Upright rows mog
