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Serious 1-androstene-3b-ol, 17-one Decanoate Explain?

why are you taking it if you don’t understand what is in it? for all you know you are taking steroids with no PCT and no precautions, which will make your balls never work again

just do your research before taking something

also this thread was a question for google
Get some creatine and ashwaganda bud

If you are going to roid then you should do it right, go on test with proper PCT
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  • #8
why are you taking it if you don’t understand what is in it? for all you know you are taking steroids with no PCT and no precautions, which will make your balls never work again

just do your research before taking something

also this thread was a question for google
Not on it lol im Cautious about my testosterone
It is a well known pro-hormone

Because it is legal JFL so these boosters can get away with it lol
I respect anyone willing to fuck around with pro hormones lmao