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16y trying to improve face


New member
Sep 11, 2024
So ive been struggling with acne for 2-3 years, I’ve finally found something that’s working for me and been watching eating sugar, and processed foods. I want some advice on what I can fix.


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Can you send a picture of you at an arm length angle with your face directly facing the camera?
Dont twist your head, send one with proper posture, i cant calculate your ratios like this
>slightly too long midface
>extremely narrow mouth (Respective to your nose)
>slightly too narrow jaw
>slightly too wide apart eyes
>extremely short lower third

>Perfect FWTH ratio
>Perfect Chin to philtrum ratio
>Neutral to +ve canthal Tilt
>Perfect Lip Ratio
>Perfect Eye to mouth angle

So id suggest,
1. Chewing mastic gum with only molars for widening the jaw
2. Rhinoplasty for your nose so that your mouth doesnt seem too narrow
3. Genio and Bimax for lowerthirds (Better to consult some doctor irl before doing this)
4. Debloating, going to the gym
5. Check if you have a narrow palate, if you do then get an SARPE
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  • #9
>slightly too long midface
>extremely narrow mouth (Respective to your nose)
>slightly too narrow jaw
>slightly too wide apart eyes
>extremely short lower third

>Perfect FWTH ratio
>Perfect Chin to philtrum ratio
>Neutral to +ve canthal Tilt
>Perfect Lip Ratio
>Perfect Eye to mouth angle

So id suggest,
1. Chewing mastic gum with only molars for widening the jaw
2. Rhinoplasty for your nose so that your mouth doesnt seem too narrow
3. Genio and Bimax for lowerthirds (Better to consult some doctor irl before doing this)
4. Debloating, going to the gym
5. Check if you have a narrow palate, if you do then get an SARPE
Problem with the surgeries is I might need to wait till im 18, should I just debloat, and chew mastic gum? Also what is most effective for face debloating?
Problem with the surgeries is I might need to wait till im 18, should I just debloat, and chew mastic gum? Also what is most effective for face debloating?
Right I forgot your 16, so your face could change bit, so right now so there are a couple guides on .org that you should follow
- Pubertymaxxing
- Testostoronemaxxing
- Debloating guide

Try searching those guides here in must reads
(Some one reposted those threads from .org to here but got banned)
If you cant find these guides here then go to .org
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  • #12
dont eat processed foods
be healthy (good diet, sleep, etc)
basic skincare
sometimes i have trouble sleep at night , and lack sleep . would melatonin strike my growth at all/looks or do you think it's alright? i've been doing skincare for maybe a year or two now, and recently started taking doxycycline pills, and garden of life vitamin pills (probiotic use). also, i've been doing a tea tree oil mask here and there and its been improving my skin faster than usual, if you care i can post 1 month progress with pill use. also with processed foods, my household buys meats/food etc from publix and idk how to cook lmao, so diet-wise im forced to eat bananas/apples, and starvemaxx 💀. so if u have any advice on that lmk, thank you!
sometimes i have trouble sleep at night , and lack sleep . would melatonin strike my growth at all/looks or do you think it's alright? i've been doing skincare for maybe a year or two now, and recently started taking doxycycline pills, and garden of life vitamin pills (probiotic use). also, i've been doing a tea tree oil mask here and there and its been improving my skin faster than usual, if you care i can post 1 month progress with pill use. also with processed foods, my household buys meats/food etc from publix and idk how to cook lmao, so diet-wise im forced to eat bananas/apples, and starvemaxx 💀. so if u have any advice on that lmk, thank you!
dont take melatonin
instead find natural ways to sleep better like adjusting your schedule, doing acitivities to tire or relax you, no phone before bed

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