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18M 158LB 5'11 rate me pls + improvement?

high ltn/low mtn (depends on area)

jaw narrower than the forehead, indicative of a peanut skull
nose looks jewey
very narrow lips
eyes are a bit close set, not that big of a deal but yeah
eyebrows are way too light
high ltn/low mtn (depends on area)

jaw narrower than the forehead, indicative of a peanut skull
nose looks jewey
very narrow lips
eyes are a bit close set, not that big of a deal but yeah
eyebrows are way too light
8psl quality reply

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  • #4
high ltn/low mtn (depends on area)

jaw narrower than the forehead, indicative of a peanut skull
nose looks jewey
very narrow lips
eyes are a bit close set, not that big of a deal but yeah
eyebrows are way too light
Jaw: ive been trying to use a jaw exerciser which has helped a bit
nose: been considering rhinoplasty
Lips: not considering fillers but would appreciate any natural remedies
eyebrows: were planning to thicken them with castor oil

also wanted to add a goatee and moustache and wondering if that would help
Jaw: ive been trying to use a jaw exerciser which has helped a bit
nose: been considering rhinoplasty
Lips: not considering fillers but would appreciate any natural remedies
eyebrows: were planning to thicken them with castor oil

also wanted to add a goatee and moustache and wondering if that would help
for jaw id stay the fuck away from jaw exercisers, they will make you look worse, you're just gonna need fillers or implants dude.
as for nose yeah a rhinoplasty is what you'd need, be careful tho because most surgeon will try to give you a feminine nose.
lips, your lip height isnt bad, could be a tad better, but your main failio is them being narrow, narrow relative to your face as a whole and to your nose width, i cba to pull up photoshop and analyse ur rations properly, but just from looking at this pic it's like a 1:1.1-2 nose width to lip width ratio, not ideal

eyebrows, yeah darken them a bit and they should look good, try to straighten the ends since they are fairly rounded.

best of luck.
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  • #12
for jaw id stay the fuck away from jaw exercisers, they will make you look worse, you're just gonna need fillers or implants dude.
as for nose yeah a rhinoplasty is what you'd need, be careful tho because most surgeon will try to give you a feminine nose.
lips, your lip height isnt bad, could be a tad better, but your main failio is them being narrow, narrow relative to your face as a whole and to your nose width, i cba to pull up photoshop and analyse ur rations properly, but just from looking at this pic it's like a 1:1.1-2 nose width to lip width ratio, not ideal

eyebrows, yeah darken them a bit and they should look good, try to straighten the ends since they are fairly rounded.

best of luck.
im not sure if i read properly, but what do i do about my lips again? fillers of what you mentioned earlier?
im not sure if i read properly, but what do i do about my lips again? fillers of what you mentioned earlier?
shit i didnt mention lol, you can either fuck around with mouth widening devices or get lateral commisoroplasty, but if you choose to do the latter you'd need scar revision most likely.
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  • #14
shit i didnt mention lol, you can either fuck around with mouth widening devices or get lateral commisoroplasty, but if you choose to do the latter you'd need scar revision most likely.
allg, now with my physique photos above, could you please give me a rerating? thanks and this will be my last request.
allg, now with my physique photos above, could you please give me a rerating? thanks and this will be my last request.
Im rating your face solely, that's what matters, your height isn't impressive and your fizeek might with certain girls bring ur smv up by like half a point. just focus on ur face that's the most important feature.
for jaw id stay the fuck away from jaw exercisers, they will make you look worse, you're just gonna need fillers or implants dude.
as for nose yeah a rhinoplasty is what you'd need, be careful tho because most surgeon will try to give you a feminine nose.
lips, your lip height isnt bad, could be a tad better, but your main failio is them being narrow, narrow relative to your face as a whole and to your nose width, i cba to pull up photoshop and analyse ur rations properly, but just from looking at this pic it's like a 1:1.1-2 nose width to lip width ratio, not ideal

eyebrows, yeah darken them a bit and they should look good, try to straighten the ends since they are fairly rounded.

best of luck.
bhaiia you moved here

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