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Serious 2 years later and im still agoraphobic neet


Jun 2, 2022
I completely detoriated my looks, started to smoke and i upload interactive porn stuff i make to wallpaper engine and play illusion games like honey select 2.
I felt a lot better back in the day in those pics i posted on here before (there are couple).
Banned both on .is and .net and everywhere else pretty much that isnt a single player jfl.
Some fuckhead wanted to "help me" cuck me last year by fckn sending a doc to me that prescribed some weird shitty drugs like olanzapine that made me panic and hard breathe and somehow it supposed to cure my agoraphobia (it didnt).
Tried getting a job and i got fired within an hour of my first day (perfect fail)
Been to a work rehab slaving for 6 months to a con artist that promised that everything i did there would make me a man (it didnt, instead got insults to go trannymaxxing as farewell words when i left there)
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Social anxiety, agorophobia, whatever the fukc you wanna call it has no cure
It's simply FEAR OF PEOPLE caused by trauma from social interactions going wrong

Most men wouldn't date a girl who got r***d as a child...
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
Social anxiety, agorophobia, whatever the fukc you wanna call it has no cure
It's simply FEAR OF PEOPLE caused by trauma from social interactions going wrong

Most men wouldn't date a girl who got r***d as a child...
i wasn't r***d but... the stuff around me happening fr makes me trapped.

Agoraphobia is the worst thing u can ever have, ever. Like worse than blackestpilled inceldom or being a disabled person in a way.
can make any chad the worst, let alone for those who have shit genes thats just dropdead then.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
Social anxiety, agorophobia, whatever the fukc you wanna call it has no cure
It's simply FEAR OF PEOPLE caused by trauma from social interactions going wrong

Most men wouldn't date a girl who got r***d as a child...
My 2nd post that got deleted pretty much proves why I have agoraphobia based off trauma lol
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  • #5
Fuck deleting that thread is a bit too much for me now cuz I can't post anything anywhere at this point beside how much of a loser I am
Ig that all ya wanna hear right
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  • #6
"I don't have peace of mind because of going on around me. I can't progress in self-cultivation with heaviness on my mind, it overwhelms and drains me. So there are guys who are both, more or less attractive than me when they're fucked, it pulls me down even more. It's immobilizing, I can't leave the house, fearing that people are so far ahead of me."

- Some introspection note I left in my phone
man, ima be honest, your situation sux
i can recommend having a healthy lifestyle to try and improve mental health. discipline and consistency is key. you could do at home workouts if you cant afford gym, study free materials online or in libraries (although i understand you have agoraphobia for the library part so if you wanna, stick to online), maybe get an online job where you dont need to post the face if you feel like that is holding you back or need to go outside. there are other stuff you can do online and home for very little/free to save money and not needed to go outisde.
for the agoraphobia, aside from the healthy lifestyle to improve mood and also appearance, i think exposure therapy could help. like sticking your hand out the window. or opening the door and looking outside ocassionally. slowly build it up through little actions till they become normal. then you could reach a point where you could stand outside of your door, or something like that. then a few steps around. no need to rush it.
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  • #9
man, ima be honest, your situation sux
i can recommend having a healthy lifestyle to try and improve mental health. discipline and consistency is key. you could do at home workouts if you cant afford gym, study free materials online or in libraries (although i understand you have agoraphobia for the library part so if you wanna, stick to online), maybe get an online job where you dont need to post the face if you feel like that is holding you back or need to go outside. there are other stuff you can do online and home for very little/free to save money and not needed to go outisde.
for the agoraphobia, aside from the healthy lifestyle to improve mood and also appearance, i think exposure therapy could help. like sticking your hand out the window. or opening the door and looking outside ocassionally. slowly build it up through little actions till they become normal. then you could reach a point where you could stand outside of your door, or something like that. then a few steps around. no need to rush it.
try amphetamines and heavily rewiring drugs, what do you have to lose,

not advice for obv reason
obv not working for him is it though, he legit would benefit with a well picked, well dosed chemical coctail of drugs
But when you buy drugs you fuel the cartels,mafias,gangs
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  • #16
But when you buy drugs you fuel the cartels,mafias,gangs
He meant...pharma. It's useless shit and not illegal so it won't do that but atp I should be taking psychedels or some shit that actually would do something but I don't have a reach for.
My 2nd post that got deleted pretty much proves why I have agoraphobia based off trauma lol
Why don't you just choose not to have agoraphobia anymore? It really is that simple but you don't let it be.

Mental illness is a myth.
Mental illness comes from unsafety
No, that's a Western myth. I've spent a decade living in the third/developing world and it simply doesn't exist. People ain't got time for that shit. Never heard of anyone going to "therapy" outside the West. People who've had worse lives than you can possibly imagine will straight up laugh in your face if you present the idea to them.
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  • #20
tbh this is what my life feels like (unironically)


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