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5.5 inches isn’t the average size.

Sep 14, 2024
It’s actually somewhere around 7inches. The lie manifested around the time when internet porn was becoming more and more popular (early 2000s). It was created by the porn industry to make men the men feel better about their size. If you’re sub 7 inches then you’re actually small. Black pilling as fuarkkk tbh.
It's not. Keep coping. 7x5 is a pencil penis and 5 inches of girth is very thin, won't satisfy anything, and looks very unaesthetic.
It's not that bad it's durable of course 7×8 would be better
At 7x5 you're in the big dick territory. End of the discussion. Meet women and sleep with them to see it. 7x5 is big.

Even at 6x5 you are big for a lot of women. 5 inches of girth they feel it, you need to prep her

The actual studies who didn't self-report estimate 5, 5.5 to 6 inches the average dude. And they eliminated the small & micro-penis dudes so it's probably smaller

If most dudes has 7 inches at average, a lot of them will be employed in porn
At 7x5 you're in the big dick territory. End of the discussion. Meet women and sleep with them to see it. 7x5 is big.

Even at 6x5 you are big for a lot of women. 5 inches of girth they feel it, you need to prep her

The actual studies who didn't self-report estimate 5, 5.5 to 6 inches the average dude. And they eliminated the small & micro-penis dudes so it's probably smaller

If most dudes has 7 inches at average, a lot of them will be employed in porn
If I have to say it one more time I'm gonna go er

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