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about girls


Feb 6, 2024
Alright so I was hated by girls in my school for my political belifs and stuff. But I expressed them after being hated, and it was probably because I ignored them when they tried to talk to me (I feel for the quiet mysterious acting so thats why) anyways so a week or two I got really pissed off because they said I should rope myself so I said things to my ''friend'' that and he snitched for clout. Anyways then I got more hated but I was determed that I would be a better person so the same day they started to be kind to me and say that I was tall and hyping me up for making goals in P.E and I keept being nice. Now they are defending me and I'm friends with some and they are laughing at my jokes.

Was Sean O'pry right? Jk but is it a probability that I'm chadlite or chad?
so I was hated by girls in my school for my political belifs and stuff
if you are chad you will never be hated because of your beliefs

and what are your extreme beliefs , are you a nazi
Alright so I was hated by girls in my school for my political belifs and stuff. But I expressed them after being hated, and it was probably because I ignored them when they tried to talk to me (I feel for the quiet mysterious acting so thats why) anyways so a week or two I got really pissed off because they said I should rope myself so I said things to my ''friend'' that and he snitched for clout. Anyways then I got more hated but I was determed that I would be a better person so the same day they started to be kind to me and say that I was tall and hyping me up for making goals in P.E and I keept being nice. Now they are defending me and I'm friends with some and they are laughing at my jokes.

Was Sean O'pry right? Jk but is it a probability that I'm chadlite or chad?
i really didnt get a single thing u said
but i would suggest not to go about expressing ur ideologies to anyone unless you can defend them against contrasting opinions otherwise ur sure to get hated im not just talking about school but everywhere
Why you even talk about your beliefs?
I sometimes have beliefs that will upset snowflakes and lefties but i have them for myself lol, there is no point into arguing about these type of things.
If i had you in my class, even if we had same beliefs and i heard you talking about your beliefs i would hate you too, this is too ''pick me''
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  • #7
if you are chad you will never be hated because of your beliefs

and what are your extreme beliefs , are you a nazi
no, but I said I want tradition and said to a girl to make sandwiches when she said I was not a christian because I was not baptised
Yes, she said it even tho I’m reading the bible, praying and going to church
you should get baptised, as i know, anyone who wants to call himself christian should be baptised.
at least this is for the orthodox, idk how is yours
Alright so I was hated by girls in my school for my political belifs and stuff. But I expressed them after being hated, and it was probably because I ignored them when they tried to talk to me (I feel for the quiet mysterious acting so thats why) anyways so a week or two I got really pissed off because they said I should rope myself so I said things to my ''friend'' that and he snitched for clout. Anyways then I got more hated but I was determed that I would be a better person so the same day they started to be kind to me and say that I was tall and hyping me up for making goals in P.E and I keept being nice. Now they are defending me and I'm friends with some and they are laughing at my jokes.

Was Sean O'pry right? Jk but is it a probability that I'm chadlite or chad?
There's no point in arguing or expressing political beliefs, you'll only end up raising your cortisol
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  • #13
you should get baptised, as i know, anyone who wants to call himself christian should be baptised.
at least this is for the orthodox, idk how is
There's no point in arguing or expressing political beliefs, you'll only end up raising your cortisol
I know but it is because they asked me
you should get baptised, as i know, anyone who wants to call himself christian should be baptised.
at least this is for the orthodox, idk how is yours
based orthodox

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