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Jul 23, 2023
15 , 5'5 , i want to increase my height as well as get rid of acne
Just search in the forum for the acne problem.About the height i can tell you its just genes if your father is short you will be short aswell.
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Just search in the forum for the acne problem.About the height i can tell you its just genes if your father is short you will be short aswell.
i mean i get that I can fix the acne problem but isn't there a forum for heightmaxxing as well? can I still increase my height (before it's too late cuz I'm still 15)
i mean i get that I can fix the acne problem but isn't there a forum for heightmaxxing as well? can I still increase my height (before it's too late cuz I'm still 15)
You can't EXACTLY change your height. If you're absolutely sure and you've gotten doctors confirmation you're definitely going to stay under 6'0, then if you want to exceed 6'0 you could try maximising nutrition and taking something like HGH. If not, there's always bone lengthening surgery, but that's super risky plus painful so wouldn't recommend. Not everyone is Jack Hanma
You can't EXACTLY change your height. If you're absolutely sure and you've gotten doctors confirmation you're definitely going to stay under 6'0, then if you want to exceed 6'0 you could try maximising nutrition and taking something like HGH. If not, there's always bone lengthening surgery, but that's super risky plus painful so wouldn't recommend. Not everyone is Jack Hanma
Hey i don't think he can't change his height for example i have been doing stretching exercises and i got 12 cm taller from 1.73 to 1.85 and my father is 1.70 or something like that
Hey i don't think he can't change his height for example i have been doing stretching exercises and i got 12 cm taller from 1.73 to 1.85 and my father is 1.70 or something like that
Bro how, which stretches please🙏
15 , 5'5 , i want to increase my height as well as get rid of acne
You can go on a hg cycle to increase your height if you haven't hit puberty yet but you'll only see a 1/2ft to 2ft height gain
15 , 5'5 , i want to increase my height as well as get rid of acne
Honestly at 15 you have to take height seriously if you want results. You NEED estrogen blockers, HGH and IGF-1 or else it's over as not even height insoles will help at 5'5

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