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Advice about my girlfriend


New member
Jul 27, 2024
I do not know what to do. I am on this forum for a reason, aka I do not look great and do not have much success with women. With a lot of effort, I was finally able to get a girlfriend. Now, there was a problem right from the start which was that I knew deep down, she could do much better than me. I was punching well above my weight, I am about a 5-6/10 and shes a 7 or 8 depending on who you ask. For some reason, she seemed obsessed with me. We had a good relationship, lot of sex, spent a lot of time together, all that for a few months. The past few months have been a downward spiral, and she had admitted at one point that she was getting bored. Now, we discussed it, and it wasn't as much bored with "me" as it was the fact that for months, we had gone on maybe 2 dates, the rest of the time we would just spend time at each others houses and either have sex or do nothing. The past 2 weeks had been going much better, she seemed much more receptive to me, we spent time pretty much every other day and I slept over at her house a few times and we had sex nearly every night, she wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves me, ect. But at the same time, I noticed it seemed like she was hiding her phone. Also, she is on a trip right now to go see her friends whom she barely sees (they live in a different state) and her response time is always an hour or more. She told me before she left she wanted to use WhatsApp instead of snapchat, I still sent her a few snaps as well, but im not longer her best friend on snap which means shes still using it, just not for me. She sends a shit ton of mixed messages, saying how she loves me, giving me the letter, spending a lot of time w me while shes here, but then when shes gone, we barely talk and shit.

Practical advice, look, as I said I am on this forum for a reason. I have horrible self esteem, I am 22 and this is my first girlfriend. I know it wont be easy to replace her, and if I leave her I will be relegated to spending life alone again for at least quite a while, and I think a lot of you can relate to how painful that can be. On one hand, I want to have self respect and leave her for not treating me well (like an option, unimportant) especially since I have told her how I feel a few times, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone and cant ignore the fact that she did things like the letter for me just about a week ago. What do I do?
ive never had a gf
maybe she's just not good with texting. some ppl prefer calls or irl talking
and you should have more dates and less sex
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  • #3
ive never had a gf
maybe she's just not good with texting. some ppl prefer calls or irl talking
and you should have more dates and less sex
No, I should have included this, but she is ALWAYS on her phone. When we were first going out, I would get a response within 5 minutes max almost always. I also see how she responds and talks to her friends, again, always on her phone. She is purposefully ignoring/taking a while to respond to my texts. About the dates, I agree, thats what we did the past 1-2 weeks before she left, we went out to a nice restaurant and then another time we went to the movies, only one of the days we just stayed in and did nothing, which was her idea.
take this with a grain of salt, this is just what I would do

wait for her to come back from her trip. Maybe she’s just having fun with her friends and forgets to text back, idk just give her the benefit of the doubt.

See how she acts upon returning. If she is back to normal, and everything is fine and you guys have a healthy relationship again, then problem solved.

If she continues acting weird and trying to hide stuff from you, and she doesn’t seem as interested in you anymore, then stop trying so hard to chase after her. Just stop putting in so much effort, because you really shouldn’t if she’s just a bop. No need to break up with her, she just doesn’t need to be benefiting from you if you don’t get love and respect in return.

Or alternatively, if you are in a really serious relationship and you think there must be some kind of misunderstanding, have a talk with her about it and mention how you feel like you aren’t as close anymore and stuff like that.

Hope this helps
I do not know what to do. I am on this forum for a reason, aka I do not look great and do not have much success with women. With a lot of effort, I was finally able to get a girlfriend. Now, there was a problem right from the start which was that I knew deep down, she could do much better than me. I was punching well above my weight, I am about a 5-6/10 and shes a 7 or 8 depending on who you ask. For some reason, she seemed obsessed with me. We had a good relationship, lot of sex, spent a lot of time together, all that for a few months. The past few months have been a downward spiral, and she had admitted at one point that she was getting bored. Now, we discussed it, and it wasn't as much bored with "me" as it was the fact that for months, we had gone on maybe 2 dates, the rest of the time we would just spend time at each others houses and either have sex or do nothing. The past 2 weeks had been going much better, she seemed much more receptive to me, we spent time pretty much every other day and I slept over at her house a few times and we had sex nearly every night, she wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves me, ect. But at the same time, I noticed it seemed like she was hiding her phone. Also, she is on a trip right now to go see her friends whom she barely sees (they live in a different state) and her response time is always an hour or more. She told me before she left she wanted to use WhatsApp instead of snapchat, I still sent her a few snaps as well, but im not longer her best friend on snap which means shes still using it, just not for me. She sends a shit ton of mixed messages, saying how she loves me, giving me the letter, spending a lot of time w me while shes here, but then when shes gone, we barely talk and shit.

Practical advice, look, as I said I am on this forum for a reason. I have horrible self esteem, I am 22 and this is my first girlfriend. I know it wont be easy to replace her, and if I leave her I will be relegated to spending life alone again for at least quite a while, and I think a lot of you can relate to how painful that can be. On one hand, I want to have self respect and leave her for not treating me well (like an option, unimportant) especially since I have told her how I feel a few times, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone and cant ignore the fact that she did things like the letter for me just about a week ago. What do I do?
If you want to be happy, don't look at her cellphone, lol, let her keep the illusion if you want to "have a good old classical relationship"
No, I should have included this, but she is ALWAYS on her phone. When we were first going out, I would get a response within 5 minutes max almost always. I also see how she responds and talks to her friends, again, always on her phone. She is purposefully ignoring/taking a while to respond to my texts. About the dates, I agree, thats what we did the past 1-2 weeks before she left, we went out to a nice restaurant and then another time we went to the movies, only one of the days we just stayed in and did nothing, which was her idea.
Just chill, no one should be texting each other immediately.
I do not know what to do. I am on this forum for a reason, aka I do not look great and do not have much success with women. With a lot of effort, I was finally able to get a girlfriend. Now, there was a problem right from the start which was that I knew deep down, she could do much better than me. I was punching well above my weight, I am about a 5-6/10 and shes a 7 or 8 depending on who you ask. For some reason, she seemed obsessed with me. We had a good relationship, lot of sex, spent a lot of time together, all that for a few months. The past few months have been a downward spiral, and she had admitted at one point that she was getting bored. Now, we discussed it, and it wasn't as much bored with "me" as it was the fact that for months, we had gone on maybe 2 dates, the rest of the time we would just spend time at each others houses and either have sex or do nothing. The past 2 weeks had been going much better, she seemed much more receptive to me, we spent time pretty much every other day and I slept over at her house a few times and we had sex nearly every night, she wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves me, ect. But at the same time, I noticed it seemed like she was hiding her phone. Also, she is on a trip right now to go see her friends whom she barely sees (they live in a different state) and her response time is always an hour or more. She told me before she left she wanted to use WhatsApp instead of snapchat, I still sent her a few snaps as well, but im not longer her best friend on snap which means shes still using it, just not for me. She sends a shit ton of mixed messages, saying how she loves me, giving me the letter, spending a lot of time w me while shes here, but then when shes gone, we barely talk and shit.

Practical advice, look, as I said I am on this forum for a reason. I have horrible self esteem, I am 22 and this is my first girlfriend. I know it wont be easy to replace her, and if I leave her I will be relegated to spending life alone again for at least quite a while, and I think a lot of you can relate to how painful that can be. On one hand, I want to have self respect and leave her for not treating me well (like an option, unimportant) especially since I have told her how I feel a few times, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone and cant ignore the fact that she did things like the letter for me just about a week ago. What do I do?
Also, humans don't have the same mood all of their life's. Not every mood have something to do with you. Chill yourself.
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If you want to be happy, don't look at her cellphone, lol, let her keep the illusion if you want to "have a good old classical relationship"
Yeah we have been going out for 9 months, I thought about it and decided it will only make me go more insane if I ever went through it.
You are around each other too much, like my goodness. You don't have to text or see each other every single day. Start cooling things down a little and take a step back. Begin to speed things back up like hanging out more, spending the night, more sex, after a little break of not talking all the time
I do not know what to do. I am on this forum for a reason, aka I do not look great and do not have much success with women. With a lot of effort, I was finally able to get a girlfriend. Now, there was a problem right from the start which was that I knew deep down, she could do much better than me. I was punching well above my weight, I am about a 5-6/10 and shes a 7 or 8 depending on who you ask. For some reason, she seemed obsessed with me. We had a good relationship, lot of sex, spent a lot of time together, all that for a few months. The past few months have been a downward spiral, and she had admitted at one point that she was getting bored. Now, we discussed it, and it wasn't as much bored with "me" as it was the fact that for months, we had gone on maybe 2 dates, the rest of the time we would just spend time at each others houses and either have sex or do nothing. The past 2 weeks had been going much better, she seemed much more receptive to me, we spent time pretty much every other day and I slept over at her house a few times and we had sex nearly every night, she wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves me, ect. But at the same time, I noticed it seemed like she was hiding her phone. Also, she is on a trip right now to go see her friends whom she barely sees (they live in a different state) and her response time is always an hour or more. She told me before she left she wanted to use WhatsApp instead of snapchat, I still sent her a few snaps as well, but im not longer her best friend on snap which means shes still using it, just not for me. She sends a shit ton of mixed messages, saying how she loves me, giving me the letter, spending a lot of time w me while shes here, but then when shes gone, we barely talk and shit.

Practical advice, look, as I said I am on this forum for a reason. I have horrible self esteem, I am 22 and this is my first girlfriend. I know it wont be easy to replace her, and if I leave her I will be relegated to spending life alone again for at least quite a while, and I think a lot of you can relate to how painful that can be. On one hand, I want to have self respect and leave her for not treating me well (like an option, unimportant) especially since I have told her how I feel a few times, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone and cant ignore the fact that she did things like the letter for me just about a week ago. What do I do?
It's over. Your relationship with her is through. She's giving you the long goodbye and there's nothing you can do now but cut the cord. She already knows subconsciously that she doesn't want to be with you anymore and that's why she's acting this way.

It's not about self respect man. It's about understanding when you're in a situation where you can't win.
Yeah we have been going out for 9 months, I thought about it and decided it will only make me go more insane if I ever went through it.
I guarantee she's trying to monkey branch. I say go through it. Eat the pain quickly now so you have a better set of principles next time you're in a relationship with someone. You can't spend the rest of your life being afraid to go through your girlfriend's phone but always wondering when you suspect something is off. That cannot become your protocol.
ask her if she wants to leave and move on
I do not know what to do. I am on this forum for a reason, aka I do not look great and do not have much success with women. With a lot of effort, I was finally able to get a girlfriend. Now, there was a problem right from the start which was that I knew deep down, she could do much better than me. I was punching well above my weight, I am about a 5-6/10 and shes a 7 or 8 depending on who you ask. For some reason, she seemed obsessed with me. We had a good relationship, lot of sex, spent a lot of time together, all that for a few months. The past few months have been a downward spiral, and she had admitted at one point that she was getting bored. Now, we discussed it, and it wasn't as much bored with "me" as it was the fact that for months, we had gone on maybe 2 dates, the rest of the time we would just spend time at each others houses and either have sex or do nothing. The past 2 weeks had been going much better, she seemed much more receptive to me, we spent time pretty much every other day and I slept over at her house a few times and we had sex nearly every night, she wrote me a letter telling me how much she loves me, ect. But at the same time, I noticed it seemed like she was hiding her phone. Also, she is on a trip right now to go see her friends whom she barely sees (they live in a different state) and her response time is always an hour or more. She told me before she left she wanted to use WhatsApp instead of snapchat, I still sent her a few snaps as well, but im not longer her best friend on snap which means shes still using it, just not for me. She sends a shit ton of mixed messages, saying how she loves me, giving me the letter, spending a lot of time w me while shes here, but then when shes gone, we barely talk and shit.

Practical advice, look, as I said I am on this forum for a reason. I have horrible self esteem, I am 22 and this is my first girlfriend. I know it wont be easy to replace her, and if I leave her I will be relegated to spending life alone again for at least quite a while, and I think a lot of you can relate to how painful that can be. On one hand, I want to have self respect and leave her for not treating me well (like an option, unimportant) especially since I have told her how I feel a few times, but on the other hand I don't want to be alone and cant ignore the fact that she did things like the letter for me just about a week ago. What do I do?
out of all places u this asked here?
Doubt she is 8/10 but whatever you say man
Let's be real for 5 seconds, it looks like you aren't her best option and seek for a better option to fuck/date with. Lot of sex doesn't means she is 100% satisfied with you. High risks of cheating as well.

With a horrible self esteem and being affraid to be alone/single, you're more likely to bow down to their games, hot/cold gaslighting strategies. The snapchat/whattsapp is brutal tho. She send snaps to someone, not you. Love letter means nothing too.

I would suggest to detach yourself asap and stopping being needy. Stop texting and focus on yourself, your looksmaxxing journey, your hobbies, work, money, friends etc and improve your confidence by talking IRL to women. Get out of your comfort zone with discipline
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