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[ADVICE] I need help picking out an appropriate gift for my wife's boyfriend


Sep 2, 2024
Hi Y'all. So my wifey and I are poly (mainly her though as I haven't found anyone yet and she gets just a tad bit jealous when I talk about other women). She has two boyfriends. The first boyfriend had his birthday a couple of months back and I got him a monthly subscription to Aussielent, an Australian monthly soylent subscription service. On a side note, I recommend Aussielent to everyone its just OMG, Ahhhhh! GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG MORE SOYLENT! BRING ME THE BOTTLE AND LEAVE IT! Anyway, it's already hurting in my pocketbooks as I don't make that much and the wifey is currently not working. I need to get a present for her other boyfriend who has a birthday coming up. It's a toss up between a Nintendo Switch and a Nintendo3DS. I am leaning switch, but its just so expensive. I think I will have to forgo some extras like Netflix, PlaystationPlus, Video Games, cinema trips to afford it (I was really looking forward to seeing the new Ocean's 8 movie - I loved the first Ocean's 11 and I can only imagine one with such strong and so many female protagonists will be just amazing, Ahhhh!). Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I should do? The switch is so much fun I want him to enjoy it too because if he is happy my wifey is happy.
Hi Y'all. So my wifey and I are poly (mainly her though as I haven't found anyone yet and she gets just a tad bit jealous when I talk about other women). She has two boyfriends. The first boyfriend had his birthday a couple of months back and I got him a monthly subscription to Aussielent, an Australian monthly soylent subscription service. On a side note, I recommend Aussielent to everyone its just OMG, Ahhhhh! GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG MORE SOYLENT! BRING ME THE BOTTLE AND LEAVE IT! Anyway, it's already hurting in my pocketbooks as I don't make that much and the wifey is currently not working. I need to get a present for her other boyfriend who has a birthday coming up. It's a toss up between a Nintendo Switch and a Nintendo3DS. I am leaning switch, but its just so expensive. I think I will have to forgo some extras like Netflix, PlaystationPlus, Video Games, cinema trips to afford it (I was really looking forward to seeing the new Ocean's 8 movie - I loved the first Ocean's 11 and I can only imagine one with such strong and so many female protagonists will be just amazing, Ahhhh!). Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I should do? The switch is so much fun I want him to enjoy it too because if he is happy my wifey is happy.
Just post Reddit stories for rep theory
Hi Y'all. So my wifey and I are poly (mainly her though as I haven't found anyone yet and she gets just a tad bit jealous when I talk about other women). She has two boyfriends. The first boyfriend had his birthday a couple of months back and I got him a monthly subscription to Aussielent, an Australian monthly soylent subscription service. On a side note, I recommend Aussielent to everyone its just OMG, Ahhhhh! GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG GLUG MORE SOYLENT! BRING ME THE BOTTLE AND LEAVE IT! Anyway, it's already hurting in my pocketbooks as I don't make that much and the wifey is currently not working. I need to get a present for her other boyfriend who has a birthday coming up. It's a toss up between a Nintendo Switch and a Nintendo3DS. I am leaning switch, but its just so expensive. I think I will have to forgo some extras like Netflix, PlaystationPlus, Video Games, cinema trips to afford it (I was really looking forward to seeing the new Ocean's 8 movie - I loved the first Ocean's 11 and I can only imagine one with such strong and so many female protagonists will be just amazing, Ahhhh!). Do you guys have any suggestions as to what I should do? The switch is so much fun I want him to enjoy it too because if he is happy my wifey is happy.
My brother (y)

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