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No I don’t

That’s stupid
It's a fact tho
A fetus in a woman’s belly is just as alive as the sperm you wipe away after you masturbate

A fetus may technically be alive, but it’s not conscious, it’s not self aware, it’s essentially a house plant
i will say that i agree, life does start at conception
life- the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding death.
a embryo is technically alive, it has a full set of chromosomes, half from the father half from the mother (typically, exceptions are defects like nondisjunction). it then goes on to grow by cell division until blah blah blah the baby is ready. it fits the requirements of being alive.

however... abortion is another argument which is different from what the shirt says. for abortion... it is a much more difficult and nuanced topic to discuss. there are other places to be political on, not a looksmaxxing forum lol

A fetus in a woman’s belly is just as alive as the sperm you wipe away after you masturbate
no not really. fetus fits the requirements of being alive, it has a full set of chromosomes, it has the capacity to grow, eventually reproduces, does metabolism and can die
sperm does not meet these requirements so they are different
brutal no one likes yo ahh on here
go to .org they will like you more tbh
Imagine thinking it's OK for mothers to murder their own children
what if the mother was r***d? What if the mother would die in childbirth? Why do you as a male think you have the right to tell other women what to do with their body, even I as a women wouldn’t have the audacity to do that
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  • #11
what if the mother was r***d? What if the mother would die in childbirth? Why do you as a male think you have the right to tell other women what to do with their body, even I as a women wouldn’t have the audacity to do that
I don't have the audacity to tell women what to do with their bodies, I have the audacity to tell woman to not mutilate their own children who are in their body
I don't have the audacity to tell women what to do with their bodies, I have the audacity to tell woman to not mutilate their own children who are in their body
You didn’t answer my first 2 questions
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  • #13
You didn’t answer my first 2 questions
Well first of all, you are bringing up the exception not the rule for r**e cases. They are less than 1% of all total abortions. And no I don't believe the child did anything wrong in that scenario so I don't believe murdering that child would be justified. And for the woman's health being at risk, I believe doctors should do whatever possible to save both parties (mother and child)
Well first of all, you are bringing up the exception not the rule for r**e cases. They are less than 1% of in total abortions. And no I don't believe the child did anything wrong in that scenario so I don't believe murdering that child would be justified. And for the woman's health being at risk, I believe doctors should do whatever possible to save both parties (mother and child)
I agree with you mid way, in that the other “99%” are immoral and shouldn’t be normalised, but a complete abortion ban would put the other 1% in danger mentally or physically. Your case of “the child did nothing wrong” in an instance of r**e is completely unfair, although ,yes, the child did nothing wrong, neither did the mother, so why should the she be put through emotional and physical turmoil? Why is it that anti-abortion people push the incentive that they value human life, which is why babies shouldn’t be terminated, but don’t value the mothers life?
I've also seen you get repeatedly flamed in every response/thread you post
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  • #19
I agree with you mid way, in that the other “99%” are immoral and shouldn’t be normalised, but a complete abortion ban would put the other 1% in danger mentally or physically. Your case of “the child did nothing wrong” in an instance of r**e is completely unfair, although ,yes, the child did nothing wrong, neither did the mother, so why should the she be put through emotional and physical turmoil? Why is it that anti-abortion people push the incentive that they value human life, which is why babies shouldn’t be terminated, but don’t value the mothers life?
I agree it's obviously a tough case and it's truly a terrible thing that happens to some woman. But there are other methods of dealing with the pain. They can put the child for adoption, seek therapy to help themselves and come to an acceptance and love for the child that even though they did not come through the best means they are still a precious gift to be loved.
I agree it's obviously a tough case and it's truly a terrible thing that happens to some woman. But there are other methods of dealing with the pain. They can put the child for adoption, seek therapy to help themselves and come to an acceptance and love for the child that even though they did not come through the best means they are still a precious gift to be loved.
Quite frankly, that is stupid. Carrying a child for 9 months is already extremely hard, let alone it being the child of your rapist. It’s clear that you don’t value the mother’s life or wellbeing and would rather push forward an insensitive agenda.
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  • #21
Quite frankly, that is stupid. Carrying a child for 9 months is already extremely hard, let alone it being the child of your rapist. It’s clear that you don’t value the mother’s life or wellbeing and would rather push forward an insensitive agenda.
Nope, I just don't think the child did anything wrong and therefore we shouldn't murder them
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