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Experience All my life, I couldn't satisfy the needs of others.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
Another day, I feel empty. I recall to harder times for comfort.

I remember the days of me being in a under-graduate program here in Malaysia for medical school. We ended up having this project where we were given a piece of equipment or topic. We then needed to research extensively on the topic. A group of medical professionals will then interview us to ask various questions on the equipment. We all had to answer, it was tough really.

Our topic was cardiotocography. I was told to be the one in charge of knowing how to interpret the graphs and reading, as well as diagnose patients based on certain graphs. I am actually more a physics guy so I wanted to do explaining the intervals or even mechanism of action. Group leader told me to just do the graphs. I asked why? She said that everyone has their roles. I asked if I could ask that other members permission and she was fine.

That other member rudely told me no, said I wasn't capable. Why was this?

I have many more chatlogs of people just treating me like utter-garbage. How do I cope with this? I don't leave my room often now, or should I say I try not to ever.

I dropped out though which is good, I couldn't see myself there any longer. The syllabus wasn't hard, I was just such a loser to everyone else. Like a homeless man in a fancy diner, a dog amongst the most heavenly saints.

This extends to my family too, I am often seen as a letdown to my parents. The only person who I can confidently say that "loves" me is my grandmother. Other than that everyone treats me like utter trash in real life. My brother treats me nicely too, in fact he looks up to me for some reason thinking I am intelligent or what, asking me for dietary and workout advice. I am sure he will see how much of a loser I am as he grows up, slowly but surely.
Another day, I feel empty. I recall to harder times for comfort.

I remember the days of me being in a under-graduate program here in Malaysia for medical school. We ended up having this project where we were given a piece of equipment or topic. We then needed to research extensively on the topic. A group of medical professionals will then interview us to ask various questions on the equipment. We all had to answer, it was tough really.

Our topic was cardiotocography. I was told to be the one in charge of knowing how to interpret the graphs and reading, as well as diagnose patients based on certain graphs. I am actually more a physics guy so I wanted to do explaining the intervals or even mechanism of action. Group leader told me to just do the graphs. I asked why? She said that everyone has their roles. I asked if I could ask that other members permission and she was fine.

That other member rudely told me no, said I wasn't capable. Why was this?

I have many more chatlogs of people just treating me like utter-garbage. How do I cope with this? I don't leave my room often now, or should I say I try not to ever.

I dropped out though which is good, I couldn't see myself there any longer. The syllabus wasn't hard, I was just such a loser to everyone else. Like a homeless man in a fancy diner, a dog amongst the most heavenly saints.

This extends to my family too, I am often seen as a letdown to my parents. The only person who I can confidently say that "loves" me is my grandmother. Other than that everyone treats me like utter trash in real life. My brother treats me nicely too, in fact he looks up to me for some reason thinking I am intelligent or what, asking me for dietary and workout advice. I am sure he will see how much of a loser I am as he grows up, slowly but surely.
same shit, didnt know u post here aswell
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
more serious place here huh? im PsychoH btw maybe u were there when i was still 'Hernan' or 'RaidenJTR' lmao brings me back.
Yeah I remember :pepejam:

Do you recognize me from .org though?
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  • #6
more serious place here huh?
Not really more serious, I am the same on both.

It's just that there are a lot more trolls there, rather not post sensitive stuff there.
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  • #8
i never knew you joined before 2024 i thought you did after.
I only started posting regularly after 2024, that's probably why :rainbowpls:
your life is not to satisfy others, but to satisfy yourself
for some, satisfying themselves is satisfying others
but since this seems unsuccessful for you, do what make you happy. dont let others drag you down, dont compare yourself
Yeah, this is it
Yes it's very hard to feel love for someone who seems so closed off. You have to tell them how you feel, and ask them how they feel. When one person never shows their anger, and the other person does, it builds resentment. You start resenting them because it feel unfair, and they feel disconnected because you aren't getting emotionally intimate with them ever, they think of you like an NPC

You can ask someone who never gets mad at you "I think you're afraid of getting angry at me" if you feel like they're scared of getting mad at you.

When you make a mistake, you can ask someone "I did this, and I meant it, how do you feel about that"
Another day, I feel empty. I recall to harder times for comfort.

I remember the days of me being in a under-graduate program here in Malaysia for medical school. We ended up having this project where we were given a piece of equipment or topic. We then needed to research extensively on the topic. A group of medical professionals will then interview us to ask various questions on the equipment. We all had to answer, it was tough really.

Our topic was cardiotocography. I was told to be the one in charge of knowing how to interpret the graphs and reading, as well as diagnose patients based on certain graphs. I am actually more a physics guy so I wanted to do explaining the intervals or even mechanism of action. Group leader told me to just do the graphs. I asked why? She said that everyone has their roles. I asked if I could ask that other members permission and she was fine.

That other member rudely told me no, said I wasn't capable. Why was this?

I have many more chatlogs of people just treating me like utter-garbage. How do I cope with this? I don't leave my room often now, or should I say I try not to ever.

I dropped out though which is good, I couldn't see myself there any longer. The syllabus wasn't hard, I was just such a loser to everyone else. Like a homeless man in a fancy diner, a dog amongst the most heavenly saints.

This extends to my family too, I am often seen as a letdown to my parents. The only person who I can confidently say that "loves" me is my grandmother. Other than that everyone treats me like utter trash in real life. My brother treats me nicely too, in fact he looks up to me for some reason thinking I am intelligent or what, asking me for dietary and workout advice. I am sure he will see how much of a loser I am as he grows up, slowly but surely.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #16
Yes it's very hard to feel love for someone who seems so closed off. You have to tell them how you feel, and ask them how they feel. When one person never shows their anger, and the other person does, it builds resentment. You start resenting them because it feel unfair, and they feel disconnected because you aren't getting emotionally intimate with them ever, they think of you like an NPC

You can ask someone who never gets mad at you "I think you're afraid of getting angry at me" if you feel like they're scared of getting mad at you.

When you make a mistake, you can ask someone "I did this, and I meant it, how do you feel about that"
Thanks for this, I will give some more thought to this.
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