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Discussion am I a funny user?

sometimes ye
id say overall yea, but moreso good user then funny yk
sometimes ye
id say overall yea, but moreso good user then funny yk
what makes me a good user? I just question a lot and then talk about myself in a way that also involves others.

does this also imply good people can't be funny? vice versa?

my fault
I haven't had good sleep in about a week
what makes me a good user? I just question a lot and then talk about myself in a way that also involves others.

does this also imply good people can't be funny? vice versa?

my fault
I haven't had good sleep in about a week
You tend to be more useful to this site than funny is what he’s getting at, it’s a compliment though.
what makes me a good user? I just question a lot and then talk about myself in a way that also involves others.

does this also imply good people can't be funny? vice versa?

my fault
I haven't had good sleep in about a week
moreso interesting user good discussion
Good people can be funny ye