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am i a lesbian


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
silly post but i genuinely wonder if im a lesbian experiencing extreme comphet🤔 i love women and am very very physically attracted to them but cant see myself in a relationship with one😭 i ideally would like a relationship with men but am not sexually attracted to them on the low🤫 im also homophobic ngl so the thought of me being a lesbian makes me physically ill but all signs are pointing to yes😰 anyway if any 10/10 thick snowbunnys wanna hmu my pms r open😛1725414762524.png
you are in puberty so it is hard to state hormones. hormones are wild and your brain is still developing. so you never know. you could be bisexual though
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you are in puberty so it is hard to state hormones. hormones are wild and your brain is still developing. so you never know. you could be bisexual though
fuck i hate bisexuals 😕
silly post but i genuinely wonder if im a lesbian experiencing extreme comphet🤔 i love women and am very very physically attracted to them but cant see myself in a relationship with one😭 i ideally would like a relationship with men but am not sexually attracted to them on the low🤫 im also homophobic ngl so the thought of me being a lesbian makes me physically ill but all signs are pointing to yes😰 anyway if any 10/10 thick snowbunnys wanna hmu my pms r open😛View attachment 38706
I'd say no you are definitely not lesbian. You aren't physically attracted to girls at all You just thinks you is. You're just a confused little girl.

Now go make out with your hand and pretend it's John Wayne.

R (4).jpeg
this thread is very.. intriguing.. to say the least...
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