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Am I cooked or can I improve anything? Do I even have good looking features?


New member
Sep 1, 2024
Age: 18
Height: 183cm (6´0)
Weight: 85kg (185lbs)
Ethnicity: Southeast European
Eye color: grey/blue
I always had a problem with my side profile because of my nose and I hate it. I will probably have a nose job but it is for health reasons because I have not been able to breathe through my left nostril my whole life and I have often thought about making them smaller but I don't know if that would contribute anything to my appearance and it would also go against my morals. I am relatively well built and am not necessarily small.
My eyebrows are OK in my opinion but my right eye brow in the middle is really weird.
I don't really know what to do with my hair either, but it doesn't really matter if I'm really pretty.

Feel free to criticize, rate me, give tips, roast or say what looks good🫡IMG_0940.JPGIMG_0910.PNGIMG_1254.JPG
Age: 18
Height: 183cm (6´0)
Weight: 85kg (185lbs)
Ethnicity: Southeast European
Eye color: grey/blue
I always had a problem with my side profile because of my nose and I hate it. I will probably have a nose job but it is for health reasons because I have not been able to breathe through my left nostril my whole life and I have often thought about making them smaller but I don't know if that would contribute anything to my appearance and it would also go against my morals. I am relatively well built and am not necessarily small.
My eyebrows are OK in my opinion but my right eye brow in the middle is really weird.
I don't really know what to do with my hair either, but it doesn't really matter if I'm really pretty.

Feel free to criticize, rate me, give tips, roast or say what looks good🫡View attachment 38268View attachment 38269View attachment 38271
Rhino will ascend u bhai. Apart from that u should lean maxx and debloat
do the nose job, esp medical reasons
you also have bad under eye support, surgery for that
lower jaw skeletal expander
hit the gym
healthy lifestyle and diet
fix posture
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Rhino will ascend u bhai. Apart from that u should lean maxx and debloat
What is bhai? And do you have tipps for debloating? I taught maybe a carnival diet🤔
What is bhai? And do you have tipps for debloating? I taught maybe a carnival diet🤔
Bhai = brother. For debloating u should ofc est the right food (not stupid shit like the carnivore diet lmao) cardio, sauna and take potassium pills.
Age: 18
Height: 183cm (6´0)
Weight: 85kg (185lbs)
Ethnicity: Southeast European
Eye color: grey/blue
I always had a problem with my side profile because of my nose and I hate it. I will probably have a nose job but it is for health reasons because I have not been able to breathe through my left nostril my whole life and I have often thought about making them smaller but I don't know if that would contribute anything to my appearance and it would also go against my morals. I am relatively well built and am not necessarily small.
My eyebrows are OK in my opinion but my right eye brow in the middle is really weird.
I don't really know what to do with my hair either, but it doesn't really matter if I'm really pretty.

Feel free to criticize, rate me, give tips, roast or say what looks good🫡View attachment 38268View attachment 38269View attachment 38271
what app is this

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