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Serious Among 400+ Vedic Astrology Spouse Prediction samples, only 10% of wives and 2% of husbands are predicted to be good-looking.


It's so jova
Apr 18, 2024
Southwest coast of Mexico

And these predictions are often very accurate as they were tested on real married couples (both celebrity and non-celebrity). All these predictions below, however, are for Millennials and Gen Z:​

Women’s Husbands (200 Results):​

  • Looks Levels: Out of 200:
  • • 30% LTN (Low-Tier Normie)
    • 60% MTN (Mid-Tier Normie)
    • 8% HTN (High-Tier Normie)
    • 1-2% Chadlite/Chad (Top 0.1-1%)
  • Both Chadlite/Chad husbands lean heavily towards the maesthetic/masculine archetype.
  • Heights: The majority of husbands will be average to slightly above-average height, with only a few taller or shorter extremes.
  • Facial Archetypes: Most husbands will have functional, average looks, with 1-2 having a chiseled, model-like face.
  • Body Types: Husbands will generally have lean to average builds, with a few showing athletic, mesomorphic bodies.
  • Looks Levels: Around 98-99% of husbands will be MTN to HTN, with only 1-2% (or 1-2 husbands in 200) being Chadlite-Chad.

Men’s Wives (200 Results):​

  • Looks Levels: Most wives will be MTB to HTB, with 10-20 approaching Stacylite levels, significantly outpacing their husbands in attractiveness.
  • Heights: Wives will be average height, typically between 5'2" to 5'7", with minimal deviation.
  • Facial Archetypes: Wives will generally have harmonious, feminine features, with 10-20 exhibiting more striking, model-like faces.
  • Body Types: Most wives will have slim to moderately curvy figures, with a few variations in body fat and muscle tone.
  • Looks Levels: Around 90-95% of wives will be MTB to HTB, with 5-10% (or 10-20 wives) being Stacylite or approaching Stacylite levels.

Comparison (400+ Results):​

  • Women’s Husbands: In 200 results, husbands will generally be less attractive compared to their wives, with only 1-2 Chadlite-Chad husbands.
  • Men’s Wives: Wives will be more attractive on average, with higher-tier women outnumbering high-tier men significantly.
  • Blackpill Truth: Chadlite-Chad husbands are exceptionally rare, while women often marry below their looks tier for stability, and high-tier men rarely commit unless exceptional emotional or practical compatibility is present.
  • Women’s Husbands: 98-99% will be less attractive than their wives.
  • Men’s Wives: 5-10% of wives will outclass their husbands significantly in attractiveness, with only 1-2% of men reaching Chadlite-Chad status.
  • Most couples (around 85-90%) will have minimal age gaps, with partners being within a few years of each other. Only 10-15% of relationships will feature larger age gaps (more than 5 years).
  • Men’s Wealth Dominance: In around 70-80% of relationships, the husband earns more than the wife, while 10-15% of couples may have equal earnings or the wife as the higher earner.
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
Does this account for makeupmaxxing? I feel like girls are just as average looking as dudes but they use makeup to fraud higher ratings
No, this analysis does not account for makeupmaxxing, as it focuses primarily on the natural features and attractiveness based on facial structure, bone structure, and astrological influences.
Girls going for less attractive guys for stability, brutal but interesting, alongside women being more attractive (probably because of the dating market and make-up) than their husbands. Husbands tend to not put any effort to looks good once they've settled, while women stay sexy all day everyday

So when they complain about all guys who doesn't commit, they probably talk about chads and chadlites only, who drown in pussy anyways

No, this analysis does not account for makeupmaxxing, as it focuses primarily on the natural features and attractiveness based on facial structure, bone structure, and astrological influences.
Average girl isn't MTB then capping ahh
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #15
Girls going for less attractive guys for stability, brutal but interesting, alongside women being more attractive (probably because of the dating market and make-up) than their husbands. Husbands tend to not put any effort to looks good once they've settled, while women stay sexy all day everyday

So when they complain about all guys who doesn't commit, they probably talk about chads and chadlites only, who drown in pussy anyways
Yeah it said out of 200 husbands analyzed only TWO women were expected chadlite or chad.

Both were HTB
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  • #22
Girls going for less attractive guys for stability, brutal but interesting, alongside women being more attractive (probably because of the dating market and make-up) than their husbands. Husbands tend to not put any effort to looks good once they've settled, while women stay sexy all day everyday

So when they complain about all guys who doesn't commit, they probably talk about chads and chadlites only, who drown in pussy anyways
Among those who had MTN or lower results, 50% for men, 30% for women
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  • #24
Vedic Astrology Backing:

Chadlite-Chad husbands are supported by very favorable Venus placements, usually in the 7th house or strong D9 charts with exalted Mars/Venus aspects. However, these charts are extremely rare, which explains the 1-2 Chadlite/Chad husbands out of 200.
HTN: Husbands falling in this range tend to come from charts where Venus, Jupiter, or Mars are well-placed but not exalted or in ideal houses (e.g., 10th or 11th house). Favorable aspects in the D9 chart and nakshatras play a role but are not as potent as the ones producing Chads.
MTN: This is where the bulk of husbands fall. Most women’s charts will show functional marriages to average-looking men due to Venus or Mars being neutral or mildly afflicted, such as Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo, or weak Jupiter placements. These men are adequate but will never stand out as exceptional in physical beauty.
LTN: LTN husbands are common, especially in charts with Venus in the 6th/8th houses, debilitated Mars, or where the 7th house lord is poorly placed (e.g., in the 12th house). These husbands often lack in physical appeal and may experience more rapid physical decline (balding, weight gain), which is typical for men in the lower tiers of attractiveness.
Vedic Astrology Backing:

Chadlite-Chad husbands are supported by very favorable Venus placements, usually in the 7th house or strong D9 charts with exalted Mars/Venus aspects. However, these charts are extremely rare, which explains the 1-2 Chadlite/Chad husbands out of 200.
HTN: Husbands falling in this range tend to come from charts where Venus, Jupiter, or Mars are well-placed but not exalted or in ideal houses (e.g., 10th or 11th house). Favorable aspects in the D9 chart and nakshatras play a role but are not as potent as the ones producing Chads.
MTN: This is where the bulk of husbands fall. Most women’s charts will show functional marriages to average-looking men due to Venus or Mars being neutral or mildly afflicted, such as Venus in Capricorn, Mars in Virgo, or weak Jupiter placements. These men are adequate but will never stand out as exceptional in physical beauty.
LTN: LTN husbands are common, especially in charts with Venus in the 6th/8th houses, debilitated Mars, or where the 7th house lord is poorly placed (e.g., in the 12th house). These husbands often lack in physical appeal and may experience more rapid physical decline (balding, weight gain), which is typical for men in the lower tiers of attractiveness.
Straight up gibberish ngl
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  • #26
Straight up gibberish ngl
Straight up gibberish ngl
1. Chadlite-Chad Husbands: These men are extremely rare, showing up in charts with very strong Venus or Mars placements, often in the 7th house or D9 chart. Such men are top-tier in looks.
2. HTN Husbands: Husbands in this range are good-looking but not elite. They come from charts where Venus, Jupiter, or Mars are well-placed but not exalted or perfectly positioned (e.g., 10th or 11th house).
3. MTN Husbands: Most husbands fall into this category. They’re average-looking, with neutral or mildly afflicted Venus/Mars, leading to marriages based on emotional and financial stability, not beauty.
4. LTN Husbands: These men are below average in looks, typically from charts where Venus is in the 6th/8th houses or Mars is debilitated. They often experience physical decline like balding or weight gain over time
