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Discussion Animal's i beat in a fight tier list

lemme try
ngl i have no clue how id fight an octopus
edit: id win against a goat and prolly 50/50 against a zebra idk how vicious they are
This is a good list but the parrot is rearranging your skeleton
down after 1 punch
idk i feel like i could take a parrot if i got a hold of it
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  • #7
down after 1 punch
idk i feel like i could take a parrot if i got a hold of it
He's gonna call his boys and jump you it's not even fair
You stand 0 chance against a bear lol
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  • #14
f*****g squeeze that shit still they pop
there gonna spray ink In your eyes and drag you the depths to meet their father the kraken
View attachment 36149

Haven't made a tier list In week or two 🤯
Beat them all. You're a man and intelligence can see you through. And come on man, a bald eagle? Thing would tear you up pretty good but there's no reason you shouldn't be able to kill it in a fight to the death. Same with a horse. They're pretty dossile and trusting. Sneaking up to them and smacking them over the head with a baseball bat will usually have them on the ground and twitching if you land it right.
Beat them all. You're a man and intelligence can see you through. And come on man, a bald eagle? Thing would tear you up pretty good but there's no reason you shouldn't be able to kill it in a fight to the death. Same with a horse. They're pretty dossile and trusting. Sneaking up to them and smacking them over the head with a baseball bat will usually have them on the ground and twitching if you land it right.
ah, i assumed it would be no weapons
if there were i would neg all of them
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  • #19
Beat them all. You're a man and intelligence can see you through. And come on man, a bald eagle? Thing would tear you up pretty good but there's no reason you shouldn't be able to kill it in a fight to the death. Same with a horse. They're pretty dossile and trusting. Sneaking up to them and smacking them over the head with a baseball bat will usually have them on the ground and twitching if you land it right.
I saw video of an eagle ripping a goats eye and neck out
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  • #20
Beat them all. You're a man and intelligence can see you through. And come on man, a bald eagle? Thing would tear you up pretty good but there's no reason you shouldn't be able to kill it in a fight to the death. Same with a horse. They're pretty dossile and trusting. Sneaking up to them and smacking them over the head with a baseball bat will usually have them on the ground and twitching if you land it right.
Don't you think a horse would kick my ribs and break them then trample me
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  • #21
ah, i assumed it would be no weapons
if there were i would neg all of them
The only thing impossible to defeat is a whale
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  • #22
Nevermind if you have a harpoon
i am assuming that everyone here would be using weapons

cause normally humans have no chances of winning against majority of wild animals
if weapons are allowed then all animals get negged
so it should be hand to hand and using environment stuff like rocks
then no one beats water animals and flying animal
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  • #29
if weapons are allowed then all animals get negged
so it should be hand to hand and using environment stuff like rocks
Alright no human made weapons allowed only nature
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  • #30
Elephant is almost impossible it takes groups of poachers hours to kill one

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