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Theory Anti Bear Technology

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Baba Yaga
Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
This is something that could atleast prevent the amount deaths from bear attacks every year I thought a shotgun would be enough but after looking at some videos and reading some stories it might not be the case if your getting charged

so here's the idea by using fire and oleoresin of capsaicin powder when the device shoots it will mase the charging bear and burn the fur and layers of skin to ward it off It should be something like a flame thrower
This way it can do damage to the bear while it's good amount of distance away also this device should be huge so you can carry it over your shoulder while hiking in bear territory

oleoresin of ccapsaicin is the powder they use in bear spray but with the device they would need 5xmore than they use in bear spray to really ward off the bear


Also the flamethrower should be very powerful just in case you are in a fight or die situation the device shouldn't be to slow to start up because they can cost you your life so it needs to fast aswell
This could work on every bear I can think of especially grizzly bears a bear will be forced to retreat of get burned alive but the problem with this is that with something so powerful it could start a forest fire

Bears I think this could work on the most
Costal bears

There very large and very fast so if you get charged by a costal bear its basically game over but not if have a flamethrower than also sprays oleoresin of capsaicin

polar bears
Since where the polar bear lives and it's size this device would be best used on its climate and things like that you know especially since I don't think a shotgun would be enough to slow a full grown polar bear

Whats your opinion on it do you think it could be a good idea?

Note: this should be expensive to buy probably around 3 thousand
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  • #3
I forgot to mention it can work on sloth bears
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  • #6
It can work on muslims and fat women too:love:

Best invention ever, I wanna buy it. Lemme use it in the city on some random gypsy women with 13 kids(after I pushed her to the ground, so she can't escape)
Did you escape the pshyc ward?
bear attacks are rare
not worth 3k dollars, risking harming yourself, causing forest fires, and killing a bear (deter it instead theory)
also its heavy and 3k??? nobodys doing allat
the only way i see this working is like you said, if its on a polar bear in a snowy region, bc polar bears will hunt and kill you and you will not start a forest fire
costal bears on the other hand wont usually attack
still very innovative and funny
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  • #13
bear attacks are rare
not worth 3k dollars, risking harming yourself, causing forest fires, and killing a bear (deter it instead theory)
also its heavy and 3k??? nobodys doing allat
the only way i see this working is like you said, if its on a polar bear in a snowy region, bc polar bears will hunt and kill you and you will not start a forest fire
costal bears on the other hand wont usually attack
still very innovative and funny
Somebody hacked @sigma this bear propaganda to stop me from making this
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  • #15


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