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any advice for me??

Debloat, send a side prof
LTB-MTB (4-5/10). I’d say debloat and get clear skin is all you can really do non surgically.
mtb,u look like vry child-like so you may have not of grown into yourself yet
Do you know a mike pork or mike the rizzler? Little fat f*g that loves mcgriddles? deleted himself?
bro give advice or rate,
what the heckoroni is just very hot,stop being down bad 😭
I was horny then, I am horny now, I will be horny tomorrow
bro give advice or rate,
what the heckoroni is just very hot,stop being down bad 😭
IDK she already fully softmaxxed, wait till she gets older a little and here face will lean down and she will grow into herself and look more "mature" and less awkward I guess
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