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Anyone else ever had a crush on their cousin

How did you develop a crush on him
i was a kid and thought he was cute, plus i didn’t/don’t know him very well. i feel like when we don’t know people well and find them mysterious we tend to like them more. (i don’t like him anymore but he is still a pretty attractive guy)
I was like 10 or something when I had crush on my cousin who is 8 years my senior.
I grew out of it though cuz it’s yucky .
He was not some chad or shit just MTN
My Cousin had a crush on me she even tried to kiss me when i was lean debloated with long hair
No larp
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No all females in my family I don’t like and if I don’t like you I won’t find you attractive.
Do you mean like you need to find someones personality likeable to find them attractive.

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