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anyone on roids?


Aug 25, 2024
20 y.o. I am seriously considering hoping on 500mg test cycle. problem is I am not planning to keep going on for much after that. I dont wanna blast and cruise forever or end up on TRT, just want a simple boost because I am 6'4 and gains are tough as fuck to show and maintain at this height. my only issue is that I am worried that after my PCT my testosterone never comes back to its baseline, my test on average is low and barely enough so any drop in that I'll go soyboy mode and probably kms. anyone has experience or went through a similar situation? wanna hear your opinions
Honestly if you just want to simply boost natural T in a non natural way, then hop on enclomiphene. It makes your body produce testosterone naturally. I'm pretty sure it raises your levels permanently but they do start to go back down a little after hopping off. You can get muscle gains this way but of course not gonna be as much as 500mg test
But I will say from what I've heard from experienced roid users (Mike from renisannce periodization) pct will make your levels go back to normal but sometimes it just takes a while to get the normals levels back
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Honestly if you just want to simply boost natural T in a non natural way, then hop on enclomiphene. It makes your body produce testosterone naturally. I'm pretty sure it raises your levels permanently but they do start to go back down a little after hopping off. You can get muscle gains this way but of course not gonna be as much as 500mg test
I've delved deep into enclo apparently after a while its causes LH to be desensitized to GnRH so LH wont produce as much. I am risking my T baseline drops in both so might aswell just take actual steroids
I've delved deep into enclo apparently after a while its causes LH to be desensitized to GnRH so LH wont produce as much. I am risking my T baseline drops in both so might aswell just take actual steroids
Well as long as you aren't blasting it for a year you'd be fine. An 8 week cycle could raise it without bad side effects of extended use?
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