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Rage Appealcel


Aug 2, 2024
One thing that agitated me about my looks is that facially, I am not bad looking, I am a mtn. The thing that gets me is the fact that many of my individual features that make up my face have such low appeal. My eyebrows are positively tilted, my eyes are negatively hooded, I have neutral - slight negative canthal tilt, a unmasculine chin height and shape, blond hair, and downturned lips that make me look angry. A girl told me today that my hair being blond is feminine, and I know this isn't a great look for most men. Over for sub 7 blondcels. Over for lowtrustfeaturecels. OvER man.
One thing that agitated me about my looks is that facially, I am not bad looking, I am a mtn. The thing that gets me is the fact that many of my individual features that make up my face have such low appeal. My eyebrows are positively tilted, my eyes are negatively hooded, I have neutral - slight negative canthal tilt, a unmasculine chin height and shape, blond hair, and downturned lips that make me look angry. A girl told me today that my hair being blond is feminine, and I know this isn't a great look for most men. Over for sub 7 blondcels. Over for lowtrustfeaturecels. OvER man.
dye hair maybe?
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I've been growing it out to increase my appeal. Planning on letting it continue growing throughout the colder months to see how it looks.
my nose cucks my appeal the most, could easily become one of those fluffy haired, tall tiktok-esque bf types if I didnt have such an ugly nose
One thing that agitated me about my looks is that facially, I am not bad looking, I am a mtn. The thing that gets me is the fact that many of my individual features that make up my face have such low appeal. My eyebrows are positively tilted, my eyes are negatively hooded, I have neutral - slight negative canthal tilt, a unmasculine chin height and shape, blond hair, and downturned lips that make me look angry. A girl told me today that my hair being blond is feminine, and I know this isn't a great look for most men. Over for sub 7 blondcels. Over for lowtrustfeaturecels. OvER man.
who told you, you are mtn?
my nose cucks my appeal the most, could easily become one of those fluffy haired, tall tiktok-esque bf types if I didnt have such an ugly nose
i just had one of the most fucked up conversations with someone in my life and he happened to be from Sweden. Now, considering that it is a real small country, would you be Johnny on discord?
i just had one of the most fucked up conversations with someone in my life and he happened to be from Sweden. Now, considering that it is a real small country, would you be Johnny on discord?
no bro, not me :kekw:
no bro, not me :kekw:
dude, i swear, the conversation was so fucked up. Apparently, there is this place in Sweden, called moldo or something like that where there are a lot of femboys and nazists. The motherfucker were, AT THE SAME TIME, a nazi AND a femboy gay.

It were a philosophy discord. He was being a pain in the ass for we all, because he didn't change his points and kept being a nazi. Eventually, one of the debaters said that supporting authoritarianism is slave morality and that it showed that someone wanted to me dominated, including sexually. So i got this idea of commanding him to shut the fuck up by being dominant and slightly sexual..., he eventually stopped being nazi because i am ´´not arian`` according to him.
I basically desnazificated a Gay Swedish Femboy via sexual domination. WTF.
dude, i swear, the conversation was so fucked up. Apparently, there is this place in Sweden, called moldo or something like that where there are a lot of femboys and nazists. The motherfucker were, AT THE SAME TIME, a nazi AND a femboy gay.

It were a philosophy discord. He was being a pain in the ass for we all, because he didn't change his points and kept being a nazi. Eventually, one of the debaters said that supporting authoritarianism is slave morality and that it showed that someone wanted to me dominated, including sexually. So i got this idea of commanding him to shut the fuck up by being dominant and slightly sexual..., he eventually stopped being nazi because i am ´´not arian`` according to him.
I basically desnazificated a Gay Swedish Femboy via sexual domination. WTF.
i've encountered many such people on Discord and telegram as well, the point about authoritarianism is completely true.
dude, wtf happened in Sweden for that to be the case? Just wtf
the perverted part, probably because sweden is so liberal/socialist and the nazi part, well you have the whole "Aryan" ubermensch thing, and the fact that sweden is one of the more lonely places, a lot of guys dont go out and just sit indoors all day, autism is also on the rise, these two are attracted to nazi ideology like flies are to shit, it gives them a sense of belonging.
One thing that agitated me about my looks is that facially, I am not bad looking, I am a mtn. The thing that gets me is the fact that many of my individual features that make up my face have such low appeal. My eyebrows are positively tilted, my eyes are negatively hooded, I have neutral - slight negative canthal tilt, a unmasculine chin height and shape, blond hair, and downturned lips that make me look angry. A girl told me today that my hair being blond is feminine, and I know this isn't a great look for most men. Over for sub 7 blondcels. Over for lowtrustfeaturecels. OvER man.
Trannymax seems to be only option

Just saying 🤷
True, not saying there is no appeal, but it makes it harder.
True, we can only work with the cards we're given. At least you're not unattractive, and just because women have preferences doesn't mean they'll only go for those. More often than not, if you look good overall, they'll still be interested.