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Are ur parents looksmatched or does one mog


Well-known member
Aug 26, 2024
random question but asking because my mom is at least high htb probably higher than that seeing as she looks much younger than her age and when i was younger all my friends told me annoying shit like i wanna fuck ur mom.

meanwhile on the other hand my dad is ugly as fuck hes not even ltn as that implies 4/10. id say hes 1.5/10. just complete garbage facially
random question but asking because my mom is at least high htb probably higher than that seeing as she looks much younger than her age and when i was younger all my friends told me annoying shit like i wanna fuck ur mom.

meanwhile on the other hand my dad is ugly as fuck hes not even ltn as that implies 4/10. id say hes 1.5/10. just complete garbage facially
Looksmatch both are 4/10
random question but asking because my mom is at least high htb probably higher than that seeing as she looks much younger than her age and when i was younger all my friends told me annoying shit like i wanna fuck ur mom.

meanwhile on the other hand my dad is ugly as fuck hes not even ltn as that implies 4/10. id say hes 1.5/10. just complete garbage facially
Interesting, btw op who do you look more like.
random question but asking because my mom is at least high htb probably higher than that seeing as she looks much younger than her age and when i was younger all my friends told me annoying shit like i wanna fuck ur mom.

meanwhile on the other hand my dad is ugly as fuck hes not even ltn as that implies 4/10. id say hes 1.5/10. just complete garbage facially
Dad mogged my mum to hell
Chadlite and MTB
Ubermensch dad and low mtb with blonde(dyed xd) hair and gray eyes

I wish my dad would date his looksmatch 😭 . Legit every woman he fucks now is better in their 30s than my mom was when she was 17. And their children are always Gl
I see, that’s sad when gl men date outside of their looksmatch tbh.
I feel for them. Every man deserves a blond Stacy ngl.
My younger brother btw. And these show him worse than he actually looks like, I just have no photos of him with better angles and longer hair

My forehead, jaw and no undereye support are all inherited from my mom. Dad has legit 0 facial flaws. He’s fat tho


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My younger brother btw. And these show him worse than he actually looks like, I just have no photos of him with better angles and longer hair

My forehead, jaw and no undereye support are all inherited from my mom. Dad has legit 0 facial flaws. He’s fat tho
He looks the same as you
How the fuck do some people think that we are similar

Different eyes, hair, forehead, maxilla and mandible. And in addition to that, he looks and factually is short

Almost like different ethnicity. Only the slavic chin is similar
nah yall look alike, you are just super critical of yourself and have some sort of dysmorphia.
My younger brother btw. And these show him worse than he actually looks like, I just have no photos of him with better angles and longer hair

My forehead, jaw and no undereye support are all inherited from my mom. Dad has legit 0 facial flaws. He’s fat tho
I have this shit at home don’t know how to use it. Supposed to make everything easier don’t see why I fell for it.


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