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As a black man, should I worry about what everyone at my school thinks of me?

What should I care about as a black man ?
Depending on where you live (America, Europe), people can view you very strictly after the things you do

For example if you are a white kid who is known for beating up another kid, there's a higher chance that this kid wont be affected that much if his behaviour is not that bad,

while if you are a black kid you instantly get viewed as a "bad kid" "son of a gangster" and such shit

Basiclly you have to worry about behaving good if we're talking about school, because it affects a lot what people think of you
Bruh racism is everyone, yes we have it, but no where near as bad as countries like Japan, etc. A black kid could make great friends with a white kid here. And racism goes both ways, blacks could be racist to whites
well you are right, but America is far from being one of the less racists places on earth, the boy surely would have more reasons for worrying about racism then a white, even thought both could suffer it
well you are right, but America is far from being one of the less racists places on earth, the boy surely would have more reasons for worrying about racism then a white, even thought both could suffer it
My country is pretty chill because we are natively a multi-racial nation! I myself am a mixed race human.
What should I care about as a black man ?
You should worry about grades and maybe do basic stuff like brush teeth, eat healthy food, possibly go to the gym. Just worry about things that are easily within your control. Don't worry about what everyone thinks of you, it mainly matters what you think of yourself tbh.
