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Rage ASTROSKY IS A FRAUD WITH PROOF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!😡😡😡


Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
View attachment 1000011753.mp4
Might expose this Nepali again
Last edited:
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
View attachment 39660
Wow! How r u this good at finding info. I could never, also good transitioning and editing 🤯😲😲
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
Wow, solid undeniable proof. He’ll never recover from this CIA level evidence, you’ve exposed him for life. He must be shattered. He won’t be able to recover from this ever.
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
View attachment 39660
Might expose this Nepali again
Fuck bro take this down. I might have the crack this shit with my hammer

Fuck that Lil n***a who outed me selling tren to him
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
View attachment 39660
Might expose this Nepali again
You'll never expose me as the Mossad protects me already, and the Mossad owns this forum btw .
so as you guys know I already exposed @Whitepill the slum dwelling manlet

But @AstroSky is worse tbh
Claims 5'11 (thinks he’s a tallfag)
Does test (I believed this one)
Claims 5×5 bp (fucking obvious larp)
Claims American (believed this to until I found his real name)

Astrosky is not a hero or a good guy in stop falling for his larp he's a jew he will scam it's obvious

Astrosky true stats
View attachment 39660
Might expose this Nepali again
I Knew It
