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JFL At dudes who put up with women who disrespect them

i think it’s crazy as well, both ways. i think relationships are meant to be peaceful, like after a long hard day you can just relax when you are around that certain someone. a horrible day turns into a good one. obviously problems happen, but the right person would always communicate with you on it instead of being disrespectful.
i want to find that one day :pepehands:
Some of my friends have girlfriends like this. I seriously don't get how you could put up with it. I'd rather be single my whole life then put up with someone who nags and is disrespectful. Some people are just so scared of being single it is crazy.
I can't be with a woman who is disrespectful. When I go home after a hard day of work, I do not want to go home to feel toxicity and complaints. If the woman does not respect me, they will regret it and they won't be living with me any more.
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I can't be with a woman who is disrespectful. When I go home after a hard day of work, I do not want to go home to feel toxicity and complaints. If the woman does not respect me, they will regret it and they won't be living with me any more.
Exactly, I would dump a woman like that immediately
Because they're desesperate and lack of options. So they stay with the only one who gives them a "fake" love. The second they meet a cuter and nicer woman who loves them back, they'll dump their toxic woman lmao

I rather be a monk than entertaining a woman's bullshit. If you aren't my peace then you're my enemy

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