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JFL Barret needs natural diet.

Also do you guys think gay people have biological genetic selection too? like do they have more of a female or male gaze?
ive seen online, after trannies take their associated hormones, their sexuality changes, look it up
could be partially genetic and social as well
Diet won't change anything its obvious he just isn't eating alot

Which is a shame because he looks like an intimidating warrior when he is actually healthy

Please elaborate. I don't believe people are genetically gay. At the very least not as much as people say they are.
Recent genetic studies suggest that while there is no single "gay gene," genetics do play a role in same-sex sexual behavior. A large-scale study involving nearly 470,000 participants from the UK Biobank and 23andMe found that multiple genetic variants contribute to sexual orientation, though none have a large individual effect. Instead, many genes with small impacts collectively influence the likelihood of same-sex attraction.
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Recent genetic studies suggest that while there is no single "gay gene," genetics do play a role in same-sex sexual behavior. A large-scale study involving nearly 470,000 participants from the UK Biobank and 23andMe found that multiple genetic variants contribute to sexual orientation, though none have a large individual effect. Instead, many genes with small impacts collectively influence the likelihood of same-sex attraction.
Interesting. Thanks for backing the claim up.

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