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Bbc is cope


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2023
Jfl at guys who say “muh tyrone” “muh bbc” cuz its straight copium. most girls who arent black do NOT go after black guys. If you think so it’s because it’s something that stands out when you see it in the media. even when black guys do date white girls its always the promiscuous ghetto or fat ones
jbw gets proved over and over again
every race wants a white guy- white girls, asians, latinas you name it they all want a tall white guy its just their hypergamous nature
its over for black guys who really think they have an advantage in the smv bc of “muh bbc”
tyrone stands no chance against a 6’0 white chad


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  • #5
jova for other races
other races can still ascend of course but it’ll always be easier for white guys all they have to do is exist or seamaxx
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  • #9
what specifically about white males is appealing to a broad spectrum of females? not just being white, but specific features
they’ve always been more desired, throughout all of history civilizations have seen whites as gods
when you’re an ethnic person 99% of the time your families will mostly admire the kids who come out the most white passing compared to their more ethnic looking siblings it’s something thats ingrained in them since a young age
i guess its sorta like a subconscious “improve the bloodline “ typa thing
they’ve always been more desired, throughout all of history civilizations have seen whites as gods
when you’re an ethnic person 99% of the time your families will mostly admire the kids who come out the most white passing compared to their more ethnic looking siblings it’s something thats ingrained in them since a young age
i guess its sorta like a subconscious “improve the bloodline “ typa thing
no i mean, what features. on a biological scale, what genes do they have that make them attractive and sexually selected by females
I would agree to SOME extent but three tiktoks are not a representative of women as a whole. My for you page is kind of the opposite. Whenever I see a white woman it's about how much they love black men, and when I see black women its how much they love white men
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  • #15
no i mean, what features. on a biological scale, what genes do they have that make them attractive and sexually selected by females
literally everything lol
almost every feature thats seen as “desirable “ is a european feature
nose, skull, everything almost
look at cosmetic surgery is usually ethnic people trying to change their ethnic features
also white guys naturally look more “civilized “ imagine seeing a tall white guy next to an indian or black who u trusting more 💀
also when i mean white i mean more nordic/ mediterranean cuz easter european east baltid dudes be looking like ugly predators
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  • #16
I would agree to SOME extent but three tiktoks are not a representative of women as a whole. My for you page is kind of the opposite. Whenever I see a white woman it's about how much they love black men, and when I see black women its how much they love white men
There definitely is a couple who like black guys but typically its when they grew up in an environment where that was the norm or theyre just “ rebellious “ because it isnt seen as something positive by their families for the most part also its the promiscuous girls who only care about sex and dick size
There definitely is a couple who like black guys but typically its when they grew up in an environment where that was the norm or theyre just “ rebellious “ because it isnt seen as something positive by their families for the most part also its the promiscuous girls who only care about sex and dick size
I honestly think its more than just a couple but I do agree with the second part, a lot of women don't view black men as a serious partner for a relationship, for a lot of them it's just a phase of as you said teenage rebellion or just to have momentary fun. When they want to actually settle down they will run back to white men.
I honestly think its more than just a couple but I do agree with the second part, a lot of women don't view black men as a serious partner for a relationship, for a lot of them it's just a phase of as you said teenage rebellion or just to have momentary fun. When they want to actually settle down they will run back to white men.
Also this
There definitely is a couple who like black guys but typically its when they grew up in an environment where that was the norm or theyre just “ rebellious “ because it isnt seen as something positive by their families for the most part also its the promiscuous girls who only care about sex and dick size

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Jfl at guys who say “muh tyrone” “muh bbc” cuz its straight copium. most girls who arent black do NOT go after black guys. If you think so it’s because it’s something that stands out when you see it in the media. even when black guys do date white girls its always the promiscuous ghetto or fat ones
jbw gets proved over and over again
every race wants a white guy- white girls, asians, latinas you name it they all want a tall white guy its just their hypergamous nature
its over for black guys who really think they have an advantage in the smv bc of “muh bbc”
tyrone stands no chance against a 6’0 white chad
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i agree in the sense beauty standards r eurocentric but at the same time when I ever talk to a girl they feel like being non-white adds points eg 6/10 white man is just 6/10 an 6/10 ethnic man ascends 7/10 (minimum).idk tho could just b the girls in my area🤷‍♀️
i agree in the sense beauty standards r eurocentric but at the same time when I ever talk to a girl they feel like being non-white adds points eg 6/10 white man is just 6/10 an 6/10 ethnic man ascends 7/10 (minimum).idk tho could just b the girls in my area🤷‍♀️
yes, I agree.
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  • #22
i agree in the sense beauty standards r eurocentric but at the same time when I ever talk to a girl they feel like being non-white adds points eg 6/10 white man is just 6/10 an 6/10 ethnic man ascends 7/10 (minimum).idk tho could just b the girls in my area🤷‍♀️
They say that cuz they have a savior complex
deep down they know they all want a white man
yes, I agree.
like even white and ethnic girls whenever they talk about liking a white guy its in a negative light compared to an ethnic guy,so I think that's its harder for ethnic people to be viewed as attractive but if they are they are seen as more attractive than their white counterpart.might be 'exoticness' or beauty standards becoming more racially ambiguous
They say that cuz they have a savior complex
deep down they know they all want a white man
dont agree with that,i think being white doesn't add anything to the table except make it easier to fit beauty standards,being ethnic does but its harder to meet eurocentric standards
dont agree with that,i think being white doesn't add anything to the table except make it easier to fit beauty standards,being ethnic does but its harder to meet eurocentric standards
This is true.
However ugly whites tend to still have higher smv
i agree,but its because they are the standard that beauty in the west was built on so being ugly has less adverse effects on how much they oull cause they r a bit like the default
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  • #29
like even white and ethnic girls whenever they talk about liking a white guy its in a negative light compared to an ethnic guy,so I think that's its harder for ethnic people to be viewed as attractive but if they are they are seen as more attractive than their white counterpart.might be 'exoticness' or beauty standards becoming more racially ambiguous
Yea that is true but usually thats seen amongst women like men tend to see ethnic women as exotic rather than vice versa
Yea that is true but usually thats seen amongst women like men tend to see ethnic women as exotic rather than vice versa
i actually heard many girls say he is x/y/z and so hot... but he is white (showing how being white is necessarily positive in the score) i may even say that woman tend to see men as exotic to a greater extent (wanting kids from mixed different ethnicities as it rare or sum) but I also do still think beauty standards are still Eurocentric but are becoming more and more racially ambiguous so being white rn is just neutral but in the future may be actually negative in their rating
almost every feature thats seen as “desirable “ is a european feature
not true at all
compact orbitals arent a white feature
hooding isnt a white feature
projected maxilla isnt a white feature
wide prominant cheekbones arent a white feature

the only really desirable "white" features is the coloring and tall skull ( and it isnt always the case )
in the other hand white ppl are most likely to have these failos :
round orbitals
ogre browridge
thin hair

the true race that has the most good feature are the meds because they are mixed
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  • #32
not true at all
compact orbitals arent a white feature
hooding isnt a white feature
projected maxilla isnt a white feature
wide prominant cheekbones arent a white feature

the only really desirable "white" features is the coloring and tall skull ( and it isnt always the case )
in the other hand white ppl are most likely to have these failos :
round orbitals
ogre browridge
thin hair

the true race that has the most good feature are the meds because they are mixed
there’s different sub categories of white people
if you’re talking about the neanderthal ogre looking ones then yes obv

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