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Experience Being mtb as a black girl is an odd experience


⇱ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔩𝔶 𝔗𝔯𝔲𝔱𝔥𝔰 ⇲
Jul 30, 2023
Some people will not view you as attractive at all due to your race but others will. It's hard to have a accurate perception of yourself because of peoples personal preferences when it comes to black girls.
how much do you slay ?
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how much do you slay ?
as in how much do I pull? If so, if I like a guy and was to start talking to him, I would most likely be able to pull him.
Boys have had crushes on me before the same time I've been called ugly by multiple boys. I donno though, I've had a glow up in the last year and half I'd say so I'm not sure if I should count experiences before then.
I really have just have no perception of myself at all. I might do another rate me completely UNFRAUDED
Some people will not view you as attractive at all due to your race but others will. It's hard to have a accurate perception of yourself because of peoples personal preferences when it comes to black girls.
ye preferences are important
Some people will not view you as attractive at all due to your race but others will. It's hard to have a accurate perception of yourself because of peoples personal preferences when it comes to black girls.
even if you aren’t someone’s “type” and they wouldn’t personally date you if you are attractive they will still be able to tell / you will benefit from pretty privilege
Some people will not view you as attractive at all due to your race but others will. It's hard to have a accurate perception of yourself because of peoples personal preferences when it comes to black girls.
@Whitepill @sigma What is the experience of LTN like?Can you explain it?
I’m not LTN lol but I was. Mainly you focus on everything besides girls and try to stay invisible. You are slightly ugly but not ugly enough to where people will make fun of you.
I’m not LTN lol but I was. Mainly you focus on everything besides girls and try to stay invisible. You are slightly ugly but not ugly enough to where people will make fun of you.
How you ascended and what's your looks level now?How the experience is different from being LTN?
How you ascended and what's your looks level now?How the experience is different from being LTN?
Around HTN. I genuinely ascended through hair and soft maxxing but this is rare as I never took care of myself before so that difference was huge. The experience is now that I feel much more included in conversations and it feels like people actually are interested in getting to know me and being around me. It also feels like more people know who I am just from existing and I feel less invisible.
@Whitepill @sigma What is the experience of LTN like?Can you explain it?
It sucks. People, especially girls will behave differently around you, try to avoid you. They gossip and shit like that. People will also see you as a worse person.

Tbh I have more respect for an ltn person who is trying to improve themselves than some high mtn who is lazy. But unfortunately ik ltn people who dont try at all. So that is where my respect for others also comes from, improvement.

So try your best. Looks halo you
well the sad part is if people consider u ugly because u are a black person
even if you are not ugly for a black person
its the same experience as being ugly
