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Ben07. The war begins (part 3)


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023

Part 3​

Ben07 stood at the edge of the battlefield, his gaze fixed on The Last Coomer and his army of the @sigma Cult. These weren’t just failed looksmaxxers anymore; they had become a twisted brotherhood, a cult driven by vengeance and desperation. For years, they had experimented, tortured their bodies, and pursued Ben07 relentlessly, all to unlock the secrets of the Terra Chad formula. The Last Coomer, their leader, stood at the center, his body a grotesque display of failed enhancements, yet his eyes burned with hatred and ambition.
“You could’ve shared it with us, Ben07,” The Last Coomer spat, his voice thick with rage. “But instead, you hoarded the formula, left us to scrape and claw for scraps while you lived among the Stacys like a god.”
Ben07’s heart was heavy. He had become a legend, a beacon of perfection, but the cost of his solitude had been the suffering of those left behind. He had thought keeping the power to himself would prevent chaos, but instead, it had bred an unstoppable force of resentment in the form of the @sigma Cult.
“I didn’t realize…” Ben07 began, his voice calm but laced with regret. “I didn’t understand the consequences of keeping it from you. But now, I know.”
The Last Coomer sneered. “Words mean nothing, Ben07. You had your chance. You could’ve been our savior, but now you’re just a coward running from the consequences of your greed.”
Behind The Last Coomer, the cult members stood, eyes dark and hollow, their bodies riddled with scars from failed experiments. They had sacrificed everything for a taste of the Terra Chad formula — all in vain. But despite their broken bodies, their spirits remained unbroken, fueled by their collective hatred for Ben07.
“I won’t fight you,” Ben07 said softly.
The Last Coomer’s eyes narrowed. “Then you’ll die where you stand.”
Ben07 shook his head. “No. You’ve misunderstood me. I won’t fight because I’ve realized the Terra Chad formula was never meant for one person. It’s time I shared what should have been shared long ago.”
The @sigma Cult watched in confusion as Ben07 raised his hands, his body beginning to glow with the power of the formula. For the first time since he drank the formula, Ben07 allowed the energy to flow out of him, beams of light radiating from his body and reaching out toward the cult members.
“I’m giving you what you’ve been chasing,” Ben07 said, his voice steady despite the weight of the decision. “But understand this — the formula was never meant to elevate one person above others. It’s meant to be shared, not as a weapon, but as a gift.”
Streams of light shot from Ben07, connecting with each cult member. Slowly, the twisted bodies of the @sigma Cult began to transform. Their scars healed, their hunched forms straightened, and for the first time, they felt the true power of the Terra Chad formula. The crowd gasped as their bodies morphed, achieving the perfection they had long sought.
But as the formula spread, Ben07 felt the power leave him. His chiseled features softened, his flawless body weakened. He knew that once the formula was shared, there would be nothing left for him. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
The Last Coomer stood still, watching as his own body transformed before his eyes. His twisted form became strong, his disfigured face smoothed into that of a true Chad. But instead of triumph, he felt only confusion.
“Why?” The Last Coomer asked, his voice quieter, unsure. “Why would you give it up?”
Ben07, now a shadow of his former self, looked The Last Coomer in the eyes. “Because the burden of being the only Terra Chad was never mine to carry alone. I kept the formula out of fear, but now I see that power means nothing if it isn’t shared.”
The Last Coomer clenched his fists, still struggling to comprehend the gesture, but before he could respond, the ground beneath them trembled violently.
Ben07’s eyes widened. “No… The formula… it’s destabilizing.”
Cracks formed in the earth, and a blinding light erupted from below, the power of the Terra Chad formula spiraling out of control. The energy, once contained within Ben07, was now free, and it threatened to tear the world apart.
The Last Coomer looked around in panic. “What’s happening?”
“The formula,” Ben07 said, struggling to stay on his feet. “It was never meant to be spread this way. I’ve unleashed something far worse than I ever intended.”
The @sigma Cult members, now enhanced by the power of the formula, stood frozen, unsure of what to do as the energy around them grew more unstable.
“There’s only one way to stop this,” Ben07 said, his voice grim. “We need to contain the power before it consumes everything.”
The Last Coomer, still reeling from his transformation, turned to Ben07. “How? How do we stop it?”
Ben07’s face was filled with determination. “We have to work together. The power we now share is the key, but it has to be used to balance the formula, not to control it.”
The Last Coomer hesitated, but deep down, he knew Ben07 was right. The power they had fought so hard to gain would destroy them all if they didn’t act quickly.
“Fine,” The Last Coomer growled, stepping forward. “But this doesn’t mean we’re allies. Once this is over, it’s not finished.”
Ben07 nodded, his resolve unshaken. “Then let’s make sure we all live long enough to settle that score.”
Together, Ben07 and The Last Coomer stood side by side, their combined power coursing through them. The @sigma Cult, now fully transformed, gathered behind them, ready for the final battle not against each other, but against the unleashed force of the Terra Chad formula itself.

Part 4 awaited the ultimate reckoning, where the true nature of power, redemption, and the future of the Terra Chad formula would be decided.

Part 3​

Ben07 stood at the edge of the battlefield, his gaze fixed on The Last Coomer and his army of the @sigma Cult. However, this was a misnomer because the cult was not actually led by the user sigma. It was a giga-larp created by the jews. These weren’t just failed looksmaxxers anymore; they had become a twisted brotherhood, a cult driven by vengeance and desperation. For years, they had experimented, tortured their bodies, and pursued Ben07 relentlessly, all to unlock the secrets of the Terra Chad formula. The Last Coomer, their leader, stood at the center, his body a grotesque display of failed enhancements, yet his eyes burned with hatred and ambition.
“You could’ve shared it with us, Ben07,” The Last Coomer spat, his voice thick with rage. “But instead, you hoarded the formula, left us to scrape and claw for scraps while you lived among the Stacys like a god.”
Ben07’s heart was heavy. He had become a legend, a beacon of perfection, but the cost of his solitude had been the suffering of those left behind. He had thought keeping the power to himself would prevent chaos, but instead, it had bred an unstoppable force of resentment in the form of the @sigma Cult.
“I didn’t realize…” Ben07 began, his voice calm but laced with regret. “I didn’t understand the consequences of keeping it from you. But now, I know.”
The Last Coomer sneered. “Words mean nothing, Ben07. You had your chance. You could’ve been our savior, but now you’re just a coward running from the consequences of your greed.”
Behind The Last Coomer, the cult members stood, eyes dark and hollow, their bodies riddled with scars from failed experiments. They had sacrificed everything for a taste of the Terra Chad formula — all in vain. But despite their broken bodies, their spirits remained unbroken, fueled by their collective hatred for Ben07.
“I won’t fight you,” Ben07 said softly.
The Last Coomer’s eyes narrowed. “Then you’ll die where you stand.”
Ben07 shook his head. “No. You’ve misunderstood me. I won’t fight because I’ve realized the Terra Chad formula was never meant for one person. It’s time I shared what should have been shared long ago.”
The @sigma Cult watched in confusion as Ben07 raised his hands, his body beginning to glow with the power of the formula. For the first time since he drank the formula, Ben07 allowed the energy to flow out of him, beams of light radiating from his body and reaching out toward the cult members.
“I’m giving you what you’ve been chasing,” Ben07 said, his voice steady despite the weight of the decision. “But understand this — the formula was never meant to elevate one person above others. It’s meant to be shared, not as a weapon, but as a gift.”
Streams of light shot from Ben07, connecting with each cult member. Slowly, the twisted bodies of the @sigma Cult began to transform. Their scars healed, their hunched forms straightened, and for the first time, they felt the true power of the Terra Chad formula. The crowd gasped as their bodies morphed, achieving the perfection they had long sought.
But as the formula spread, Ben07 felt the power leave him. His chiseled features softened, his flawless body weakened. He knew that once the formula was shared, there would be nothing left for him. It was a sacrifice he was willing to make.
The Last Coomer stood still, watching as his own body transformed before his eyes. His twisted form became strong, his disfigured face smoothed into that of a true Chad. But instead of triumph, he felt only confusion.
“Why?” The Last Coomer asked, his voice quieter, unsure. “Why would you give it up?”
Ben07, now a shadow of his former self, looked The Last Coomer in the eyes. “Because the burden of being the only Terra Chad was never mine to carry alone. I kept the formula out of fear, but now I see that power means nothing if it isn’t shared.”
The Last Coomer clenched his fists, still struggling to comprehend the gesture, but before he could respond, the ground beneath them trembled violently.
Ben07’s eyes widened. “No… The formula… it’s destabilizing.”
Cracks formed in the earth, and a blinding light erupted from below, the power of the Terra Chad formula spiraling out of control. The energy, once contained within Ben07, was now free, and it threatened to tear the world apart.
The Last Coomer looked around in panic. “What’s happening?”
“The formula,” Ben07 said, struggling to stay on his feet. “It was never meant to be spread this way. I’ve unleashed something far worse than I ever intended.”
The @sigma Cult members, now enhanced by the power of the formula, stood frozen, unsure of what to do as the energy around them grew more unstable.
“There’s only one way to stop this,” Ben07 said, his voice grim. “We need to contain the power before it consumes everything.”
The Last Coomer, still reeling from his transformation, turned to Ben07. “How? How do we stop it?”
Ben07’s face was filled with determination. “We have to work together. The power we now share is the key, but it has to be used to balance the formula, not to control it.”
The Last Coomer hesitated, but deep down, he knew Ben07 was right. The power they had fought so hard to gain would destroy them all if they didn’t act quickly.
“Fine,” The Last Coomer growled, stepping forward. “But this doesn’t mean we’re allies. Once this is over, it’s not finished.”
Ben07 nodded, his resolve unshaken. “Then let’s make sure we all live long enough to settle that score.”
Together, Ben07 and The Last Coomer stood side by side, their combined power coursing through them. The @sigma Cult, now fully transformed, gathered behind them, ready for the final battle not against each other, but against the unleashed force of the Terra Chad formula itself.

Part 4 awaited the ultimate reckoning, where the true nature of power, redemption, and the future of the Terra Chad formula would be decided.
and then you woke up
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