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Ben07bThe end (part 4 aka last part)


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2023
The earth trembled violently as the unleashed energy from the Terra Chad formula spiraled out of control. The sky darkened, and cracks split the ground, glowing with a dangerous light. Ben07 stood at the center of it all, watching the chaos unfold with an unsettling calm.

The Last Coomer, now transformed into a Terra Chad, glared at him. “You knew this would happen, didn’t you? You never meant to save us.”

Ben07 didn’t deny it. “You wanted the formula so badly, and I gave it to you. But it was never meant for anyone else.”

“You used us!” The Last Coomer growled, his rage growing. “This was your plan all along, wasn’t it?”

Ben07’s eyes narrowed, his once calm demeanor now cold and calculating. “The world needed to be cleansed. The power I held was never meant to elevate anyone else. You and the @sigma Cult? You were always pawns. I gave you the formula knowing it would tear everything apart.”

The Last Coomer’s heart sank as the truth hit him. Ben07 had never been a savior. He had been the architect of their destruction all along. The cult members, now Terra Chads themselves, screamed in agony as their bodies failed, unable to handle the unstable power surging through them.

“You’ve doomed us all!” The Last Coomer roared, lunging at Ben07 in desperation.

Ben07 effortlessly blocked the blow, his expression unfeeling. “The world must fall before it can rise again. I’ve always known that.”

The ground beneath them split wide open, and the unstable energy of the formula erupted. The cult members disintegrated, their power consuming them from within. The Last Coomer, broken and betrayed, crumbled to the ground, staring at Ben07 with horror.

“Why?” he whispered, defeated.

Ben07’s face remained impassive as the world around him collapsed. “Because power belongs to no one but me.”

In that final moment, the energy swallowed everything. The @sigma Cult was erased, The Last Coomer was reduced to nothing, and Ben07, the orchestrator of it all, vanished into the light, his legacy sealed as a villain who destroyed the world in his quest for ultimate control.

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