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JFL Biggest cope yet

I love when they say you are in control of everything that is in your life this is blant bs
Notice how its only the attractive people saying that being ugly isn't that bad and you just need to work on your self esteem/personality. They don't view being ugly as a something that is bad because, they themselves, are fairly attractive and doesn't have to deal with it.
Notice how its only the attractive people saying that being ugly isn't that bad and you just need to work on your self esteem/personality. They don't view being ugly as a something that is bad because, they themselves, are fairly attractive and doesn't have to deal with it.
If your truly ugly like sub5 dealing with it or coping will bring you peace of mind which is what you need unless they want to be 50 still crying about looks
you can also be ugly and confident
Okay, but if you're ugly and act confident, you'll most likely just get made fun of. I have seen this a lot in social media platforms, namely twitter, instagram, and tiktok. People will literally drag you to the edge if you are confident in yourself but ugly.

An ugly man can make a post simply showing off his outfit or lip-syncing to a song, both men and women will make fun of him, call him names, and compare him to literal hideous characters/fictional people.
There definitely are examples of being ugly and still having a good life. My brother is sub 5 but has a htb girlfriend, good job, runs an animal sanctuary, etc. He used to be into looksmaxxing but accepted himself. His girlfriend is highly intelligent, so she personally doesn't care about looks.

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