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brahmin boss

I lurk
too cortisol spiked to join tbh everyone seems rude af
Main problem with site. Compared to .is and here, people are unnecessary just rude and act like edgelords.

Primarily why I only troll post and spam over there.

My posting on .is and .com are of much higher quality imo.
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  • #12
Main problem with site. Compared to .is and here, people are unnecessary just rude and act like edgelords.

Primarily why I only troll post and spam over there.

My posting on .is and .com are of much higher quality imo.
I can find edgy jokes funny (like the post) but you can't even have a good discussion there without someone trying to start a fight
it can be funny to browse but no point interacting with most users
I can find edgy jokes funny (like the post) but you can't even have a good discussion there without someone trying to start a fight
it can be funny to browse but no point interacting with most users
True that’s a big negative a lot of users on there instant argue over the dumbest shi. But the good users are genuinely great to interact with and the site can be hilarious

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