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billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
theres nothing more brutal than when your friends are all getting hit on and flirting with a group of guys, while all the guys ignore you and, avoid eye contact. or when your at a dance and all your friends slowdance with their dates while sit at ur table awkwardly, pretending to be occupied by your phone and trying not to cry. its so over
theres nothing more brutal than when your friends are all getting hit on and flirting with a group of guys, while all the guys ignore you and, avoid eye contact. or when your at a dance and all your friends slowdance with their dates while sit at ur table awkwardly, pretending to be occupied by your phone and trying not to cry. its so over
That sucks 🫂🫂
That's so sad girl. I ended up loosing my friend group because when we hit that age about two years ago they all partyed and I did got invited but after first hour of laughs and having fun with them they all suddenly dissapeared and I got left alone. Not their fault, I really appreciate them but it's just we don't coincide anymore. The only difference between liking parties or not is if you are attractive enough.
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  • #17
That's so sad girl. I ended up loosing my friend group because when we hit that age about two years ago they all partyed and I did got invited but after first hour of laughs and having fun with them they all suddenly dissapeared and I got left alone. Not their fault, I really appreciate them but it's just we don't coincide anymore. The only difference between liking parties or not is if you are attractive enough.
theres nothing more brutal than when your friends are all getting hit on and flirting with a group of guys, while all the guys ignore you and, avoid eye contact. or when your at a dance and all your friends slowdance with their dates while sit at ur table awkwardly, pretending to be occupied by your phone and trying not to cry. its so over
tales from the slums of a HTN's bed

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