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Theory Brutal blackpills, *long thread*


KHHV talentless short ugly dicklet low IQ failure
Mar 31, 2024
This thread contains some brutal Blackpills. Open the spoilers to read


God knows what the result would be if they showed an actual ugly man, this is just beyond brutal man, imagine being seen as a repellent disgusting subhuman creature by women because you were born this way, they are disgusted to hug him, kiss him is a big no, and just thinking of sex with him is enough to accuse him of r**e, AND THATS FOR THE AVERAGE DUDE, holy f**k, I think if they used a truecel it would've been a level 5 of disgust just to talk with him. It's just brutal man, and people wonder why inceldom is exploding****. That's just basic biology tbh, I saw somewhere that women are harsher than men with looks due to pregnancy, since breeding is a dangerous, and long process women need to make sure to choose good genes which makes them want the top 20% of males but obv they can't get them and that's why there are so many dead bedrooms, this might be brocel theory but it makes sense.

1719442155787.png Just brutal man, and that was until 2014 I think we can safely assume that it's around 30% now.

1719442509173.png Another brutal study, 63% of young American males are alone against only 34% of young American women.

Holy f**k just brutal, 2024 didn't even end but 50% of young (30yo and under) males haven't had sex since they turned 18.

Why is that? Well, it's all about looks. Women find the majority of us completely disgusting, and ugly since a lot of them are brain fried from seeing Chads all day long on their phones. Can you even blame them when the average man looks like this and compare them to the average prettyboy from tiktok.

This is how men and women rate each other, Brutal suicide fuel.


But the brutality doesn't end here, even if you ascend and get a gf you are not safe from cheating, in fact, more than 50% of women IN RELATIONSHIPS HAVE A PLAN B, a quote from the study:
The Plan B is likely to be an 'old friend' who has always had feelings for the woman in question. But other candidates are an ex-boyfriend or ex-husband, a colleague or someone who they have met at the gym."
Brutally doesn't end here: "
  • Around half had a 'never say never' approach, while trouble may lie ahead for one in six who said they were 'seriously considering' rekindling their romance with the man in the shadows.
And that's only the honest women, one can only imagine how many lied and said they weren't seriously considering cheating, I would say it's a good 3/6.
Source: 1719444006796.png

End of the thread boyo, it never began for us incels, if you have potential looksmaxx and ascend while we subhuman rot until we die.

this thread is 1719444772729.png
That's just basic biology tbh, I saw somewhere that women are harsher than men with looks due to pregnancy, since breeding is a dangerous, and long process women need to make sure to choose good genes which makes them want the top 20% of males but obv they can't get them and that's why there are so many dead bedrooms, this might be brocel theory but it makes sense.
not a brocel theory, its called gamete investment, or more well known as anisogamy and parental investment. also the bateman effect (american psycho reference), "Typically it is the females who have a relatively larger investment in producing each offspring. Bateman attributed the origin of the unequal investment to the differences in the production of gametes: sperm are cheaper than eggs. A single male can easily fertilize all of a female's eggs; she will not produce more offspring by mating with more than one male. A male is capable of fathering more offspring if he mates with several females. By and large, a male's potential reproductive success is limited by the number of females he mates with, whereas a female's potential reproductive success is limited by how many eggs she can produce. According to Bateman's principle, this results in sexual selection, in which males compete with each other, and females become choosy in which males to mate with. Thus, as a result of being anisogamous, males are fundamentally promiscuous, and females are fundamentally selective."

this whole thread is water and is easily understood if you know basic behavioral ecology and behavioral conditioning, it is just applying that to humans
now make a thread that is not 1719445237324.png and can be used to help looksmax
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this thread is View attachment 32443

not a brocel theory, its called gamete investment, or more well known as anisogamy and parental investment. also the bateman effect (american psycho reference), "Typically it is the females who have a relatively larger investment in producing each offspring. Bateman attributed the origin of the unequal investment to the differences in the production of gametes: sperm are cheaper than eggs. A single male can easily fertilize all of a female's eggs; she will not produce more offspring by mating with more than one male. A male is capable of fathering more offspring if he mates with several females. By and large, a male's potential reproductive success is limited by the number of females he mates with, whereas a female's potential reproductive success is limited by how many eggs she can produce. According to Bateman's principle, this results in sexual selection, in which males compete with each other, and females become choosy in which males to mate with. Thus, as a result of being anisogamous, males are fundamentally promiscuous, and females are fundamentally selective."

this whole thread is water and is easily understood if you know basic behavioral ecology and behavioral conditioning, it is just applying that to humans
now make a thread that is not View attachment 32444 and can be used to help looksmax
True it's water, but what thread these days are not water? It's been so long since I read a new useful thread, PSL is a huge circle-jerk these days. The last thread that was ok was about using f*****g honey to fix UEE, all blackpill threads are 1719447616203.png
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Save your tears for another day. My chad friend tells me sex and relationships are overrated, I believe him.
Yeah sure... it's like me telling a starving Somalian kid 1719448327609.png
"You know bro, food really ain't all that, at the end of the day it's overrated there are much better things to do" While eating my shawarma in front of him
True it's water, but what thread these days are not water? It's been so long since I read a new useful thread, PSL is a huge circle-jerk these days. The last thread that was ok was about using f*****g honey to fix UEE, all blackpill threads are View attachment 32446
true mostly
but its only because high iq people make the best threads
True it's water, but what thread these days are not water? It's been so long since I read a new useful thread, PSL is a huge circle-jerk these days. The last thread that was ok was about using f*****g honey to fix UEE, all blackpill threads
by psl do you mean autistic teenagers? I mean shit that’s probably all it ever was
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  • #14
by psl do you mean autistic teenagers? I mean shit that’s probably all it ever was
PSL is a sequence of internet communities where people discuss looks theory, looksmaxxing. The word PSL is an acronym for 3 consecutive forums that substantially overlapped in userbase and prominent forum members:,, and A notable user of one of the forums, the mass shooter Elliot Rodger, described as being "full of stupid, disgusting, mentally ill degenerates who take pleasure in putting down others."
PSL is a sequence of internet communities where people discuss looks theory, looksmaxxing. The word PSL is an acronym for 3 consecutive forums that substantially overlapped in userbase and prominent forum members:,, and A notable user of one of the forums, the mass shooter Elliot Rodger, described as being "full of stupid, disgusting, mentally ill degenerates who take pleasure in putting down others."
Ik but all PSL users are autistic teenagers for the most part

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