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Brutalize me

Yea I've been looking into those subliminal kinda things but they've never worked out for me
i have an extremely powerfull subliminal... i dont know if i want to share it PUBLICALLY but i will dm it to you... fyi you should listen to it for 21 days
could lose some weight before going under the knife
eating raw meat.... though if ur not about that stuff cutting carbs entirely works too, oh and juice fasting works but its expensive as you have to buy an expensive masticizing juicer
dont eat raw meat, imagine ur parents seeing u consuming raw meat jfl
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  • #11
eating raw meat.... though if ur not about that stuff cutting carbs entirely works too, oh and juice fasting works but its expensive as you have to buy an expensive masticizing juicer
Will invest in a juicer
Will invest in a juicer
its about 150 USD (estimate) oh and if ur gonna do the fast for over a week be prepaired to do coffee enemas... but if you eat raw meat/veg along with the juice u dont need to do enemas. I see ur not into the idea of the meat and thats fine!!
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  • #15
its about 150 USD (estimate) oh and if ur gonna do the fast for over a week be prepaired to do coffee enemas... but if you eat raw meat/veg along with the juice u dont need to do enemas. I see ur not into the idea of the meat and thats fine!!
Do you have any suggestion in which I can fast in like a secret? Cause my family thinks I'm too young to do this shit. I sometimes save my lunch money instead of using it, but there's no escape from not eating at home.
Do you have any suggestion in which I can fast in like a secret? Cause my family thinks I'm too young to do this shit. I sometimes save my lunch money instead of using it, but there's no escape from not eating at home.
how old are you?
but yea just like "eat" in ur room and seceratly not eat the food. Perhaps you flush it down the toilet
BTW if ur considering becomeing anorexic , dont bother... anorexics look sickly and old after a bit
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  • #17
No im definitely not looking to become a anorexic, And idk if this complies with the guidelines but im 13. I kinda just wanna go on a unnoticeable deficit.
No im definitely not looking to become a anorexic, And idk if this complies with the guidelines but im 13. I kinda just wanna go on a unnoticeable deficit.
wow , yea everyone looks worse at 13 so dont sweat
also dont go on this site (or other forums) if ur that young its gonna rot your brain
What's the best way
calorie deficit, eat -500 under maintenance. focus on eating whole foods and minimize the processed foods. eat high protein meals, it helps keep you full and has a high thermic effect which helps you burn more calories. do 10k steps a day or just do cardio if you don’t wanna weightlift, BUT i really do recommend weightlifting because having lean mass on your body at a lower body fat % helps you look ‘toned’ and lean. also, remember to be patient. doing things too fast like starving for days (fasting💀) will result in weight loss but an amount of that is lean mass which is what you need to keep to look better. be sustainable.
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  • #20
I unfortunately went through everything and discovered flaws I didn't know I had, but im geniunely trying to look better because I've dug too far in the blackpill. Thank you for your help and concerns, I really appreciate it, (I was contemplating posting myself for like the past 2 weeks☠)
Would look more fucking manic then I already look
you don’t need to eat raw meat, that’s unnecessary. plus your family or something would notice, start off small with just whole foods and if you REALLY wanna eat raw meat then you can later on. dont give yourself something crazy to do or you just won’t do it.
calorie deficit, eat -500 under maintenance. focus on eating whole foods and minimize the processed foods. eat high protein meals, it helps keep you full and has a high thermic effect which helps you burn more calories. do 10k steps a day or just do cardio if you don’t wanna weightlift, BUT i really do recommend weightlifting because having lean mass on your body at a lower body fat % helps you look ‘toned’ and lean. also, remember to be patient. doing things too fast like starving for days (fasting💀) will result in weight loss but an amount of that is lean mass which is what you need to keep to look better. be sustainable.
weightlifting when ur overweight will give you hemroids , wait untill ur normal bmi to start weightlifting
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  • #23
calorie deficit, eat -500 under maintenance. focus on eating whole foods and minimize the processed foods. eat high protein meals, it helps keep you full and has a high thermic effect which helps you burn more calories. do 10k steps a day or just do cardio if you don’t wanna weightlift, BUT i really do recommend weightlifting because having lean mass on your body at a lower body fat % helps you look ‘toned’ and lean. also, remember to be patient. doing things too fast like starving for days (fasting💀) will result in weight loss but an amount of that is lean mass which is what you need to keep to look better. be sustainable.
Thanks, I dont really have weights but il try as much as I can of what you've listed
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  • #25
you don’t need to eat raw meat, that’s unnecessary. plus your family or something would notice, start off small with just whole foods and if you REALLY wanna eat raw meat then you can later on. dont give yourself something crazy to do or you just won’t do it.
Hm yea I already kinda don't like meat so raw meat would be a crazy step ahead
eating raw meat.... though if ur not about that stuff cutting carbs entirely works too, oh and juice fasting works but its expensive as you have to buy an expensive masticizing juicer
don’t cut carbs pls original poster, you can have fruits and veggies. being extremely strict and what you eat being a certain diet will not be sustainable. just eat the damn whole foods in a deficit
Hm yea I already kinda don't like meat so raw meat would be a crazy step ahead
do things sustainably. start off with one thing first, probably just eating whole foods, then you can move onto a deficit, then get steps in, etc etc. you can’t just do everything all at once, so don’t expect yourself to.
can i get a source for this💀
lifting any heavy weights CAN give you hemroids
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  • #30
don’t cut carbs pls original poster, you can have fruits and veggies. being extremely strict and what you eat being a certain diet will not be sustainable. just eat the damn whole foods in a deficit
its about 150 USD (estimate) oh and if ur gonna do the fast for over a week be prepaired to do coffee enemas... but if you eat raw meat/veg along with the juice u dont need to do enemas. I see ur not into the idea of the meat and thats fine!!
fasting is stupid asf unless you have something to reveal under the fat (good amount of muscle) or you’ll just look retarded and skinny fat
don’t cut carbs pls original poster, you can have fruits and veggies. being extremely strict and what you eat being a certain diet will not be sustainable. just eat the damn whole foods in a deficit
this is just what worked for me im not trying to missguide anyone 😭
lifting any heavy weights CAN give you hemroids
notice how it’s about heavy powerlifting and compound movements.. (squats, deadlifts) you can be safe and lift weights. the problem is these people are egolifting.💀
eating raw meat.... though if ur not about that stuff cutting carbs entirely works too, oh and juice fasting works but its expensive as you have to buy an expensive masticizing juicer
Best way sure, it’s definitely not the quickest though