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Discussion bulking tips pls


May 6, 2024
Last month I posted photos here on the forum and one of the pieces of advice was to get into bulking and the gym to gain muscle, masculinize, etc. However, I struggle to bulk up and not end up with a bloated face, acne and that kind of thing. I bulked for a while, managed to gain a lot of mass but I wasn't too concerned about facial aesthetics, I want to find a balance between facial and body aesthetics if possible, if you can help I would appreciate it
go on a standard lean bulk ig, just eat clean whole foods, nothing processed, and that should mitigate most of the acne and bloating problems
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  • #5
go on a standard lean bulk ig, just eat clean whole foods, nothing processed, and that should mitigate most of the acne and bloating problems
What do you guys think of hypercaloric? I have a full one here at home
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  • #7
never heard of it what is it
supplement that brings a combination of carbohydrates, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and proteins, I believe it is more concentrated in carbohydrates and sugars which is why it is high in calories
carbs are ok if you get them from rice, sweet potato, banana, etc but a carb and sugar supplement sounds like it’d do more harm than good

hop on beef liver capsules, they are sort of a “nature’s multivitamin” that contains pretty much every necessary vitamin
Bite the bullet, it’s the same way you have no energy, libido, and lose muscle on cuts. There’s a consequence for everything, your best bet is to just go on a big bulk so it gets over quickly and you’re still able to put on muscle. Maybe like 800 caloric surplus.
Wouldn't recommend going on a fully fledged bulk even if its not dirty but
The tip is u have do this all time jojo-jjba.gif
Bite the bullet, it’s the same way you have no energy, libido, and lose muscle on cuts. There’s a consequence for everything, your best bet is to just go on a big bulk so it gets over quickly and you’re still able to put on muscle. Maybe like 800 caloric surplus.
you will gain pure fat on an 800 calorie surplus
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