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Can mewing change my nose?


Jul 5, 2019
The very top of my nose bridge is very thin,it’s like if it was absorbed and is shy to come out. From a long distance it looks like if I would have a nose bump. Could mewing make it come more forward?
The very top of my nose bridge is very thin,it’s like if it was absorbed and is shy to come out. From a long distance it looks like if I would have a nose bump. Could mewing make it come more forward?
even if you managed to reshape the maxilla, the nose would not change because it's composed by cartillage
The very top of my nose bridge is very thin,it’s like if it was absorbed and is shy to come out. From a long distance it looks like if I would have a nose bump. Could mewing make it come more forward?

My idea is as the maxilla moves forward and widens, the nose has to change position too and its right infront of the maxilla.

So yes.
Could it widen my nose too?

Not so sure, normally people who have good wide maxillas have small and thin noses, and people who have narrow maxillas normally have big wide noses
The very top of my nose bridge is very thin,it’s like if it was absorbed and is shy to come out. From a long distance it looks like if I would have a nose bump. Could mewing make it come more forward?
just get a sword and go to town tbh
The actual shape of the nose won't change, but, when the maxilla comes forward, it'll give the impression of a smaller nose that is well proportioned to the rest of the face

This happens only if maxilla comes forward during mewing which idek if it does
The actual shape of the nose won't change, but, when the maxilla comes forward, it'll give the impression of a smaller nose that is well proportioned to the rest of the face

This happens only if maxilla comes forward during mewing which idek if it does
by mewing, the maxilla is brought forward, as time passes, but everything else is spot on.
I noticed my nostrils got smaller and tighter, my nose does seem shortened, and I used to have an imbalanced nose like \ on the top cartilage which made me look weird when I wore glasses, and mewing fixed that almost completely, still a bit there, but with more time I am sure it will fix itself, just try to make sure both sides of your mouth are as even as possible, I noticed when there's an imbalance there, the nose will look more imbalanced as well at least in my experience. Also my nose seems more perky at the bottom lol
I would guess so, but my nosebridge has calcified from all the chewing and supplements I have been taking, so that might have cancelled out the minimal nose straightening gains I have been able to achieve in 8 months of mewing
I would guess so, but my nosebridge has calcified from all the chewing and supplements I have been taking, so that might have cancelled out the minimal nose straightening gains I have been able to achieve in 8 months of mewing
What kind of supplements did you take?