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can someone actually rate me


May 11, 2024
rate brutal


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rate brutal
all fruagalent angles or not taken correctly. Stand in front of a blank wall and within/ around a light source. Use your iphone/andriod camera instead of snapchat (snapchat does not invert you do you will not see your real self). And do not pose in the next photo.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #4
dont be mean
all fruagalent angles or not taken correctly. Stand in front of a blank wall and within/ around a light source. Use your iphone/andriod camera instead of snapchat (snapchat does not invert you do you will not see your real self). And do not pose in the next photo.
Are u fucking retarded n***a look at the 2nd and 4th photo
mid mtn tyrone imo

are u good with talking/confident, bc that's basically all u need
How is it frauded
took from top angle
neutral angle just above the eyes or close to that area would be nice
a mirror photo would work the best tho
hard to base off of because of angle, lighting, and lens distortion I would say high MTN-low HTN
But i have more money than u and female appeal mog u
He’s right about height being cope, after 5’10” it’s all the same. Still you have decent face you don’t have to be insecure bhai
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #26
less money and i’m 15. Your small height and ugly skin tone should have been enough for you to stop using the word mog.
I just turned 16 whats ur excuse i just sell cc bins on telegram jfl ur a fucking pooron n***a u will never know the saice
I just turned 16 whats ur excuse i just sell cc bins on telegram jfl ur a fucking pooron n***a u will never know the saice
please do not talk about money as if you have ever seen more than 50k in your bank account.
Just because you are a specific race doesn’t mean you are any better or automatically mog someone because of it
Just because you are a specific race doesn’t mean you are any better or automatically mog someone because of it
i will agree. Anger overcame my intelligence i shall not apologise but instead move on and accept being mogged.
Hey bro, I'm currently at 40% body fat. Do you think I have potential once I lose the fat?


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