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Experience Chad?


Won't stop till I get a slavic htb ✝️
Established ★★
Aug 2, 2024
Today was my first day at my new part time job, along with the rest of the new hires that were there for an orientation. This girl I got paired with to do instructional tasks is a high mtb, and a bit taller than me ( probably 6'0) (brutal). To my surprise, she actually spoke to me, smiled to me, and I caught her looking at me often in my peripheral vision. Am I a high appeal Chad that she likes, or am I a r****d?
Today was my first day at my new part time job, along with the rest of the new hires that were there for an orientation. This girl I got paired with to do instructional tasks is a high mtb, and a bit taller than me ( probably 6'0) (brutal). To my surprise, she actually spoke to me, smiled to me, and I caught her looking at me often in my peripheral vision. Am I a high appeal Chad that she likes, or am I a r****d?
ur about to get bullied
Have you shown your face? Otherwise how would we know if you are being delulu
Never clearly. Most I've shown is in my pfp, but I'm not that attractive. I'm mtn with low trust features(downturned lips, hooded eyes, positively tilted eyebrows)
Today was my first day at my new part time job, along with the rest of the new hires that were there for an orientation. This girl I got paired with to do instructional tasks is a high mtb, and a bit taller than me ( probably 6'0) (brutal). To my surprise, she actually spoke to me, smiled to me, and I caught her looking at me often in my peripheral vision. Am I a high appeal Chad that she likes, or am I a r****d?
Only one way to find out bro. IOi is worth nothing if you don’t capitalise on it.
Today was my first day at my new part time job, along with the rest of the new hires that were there for an orientation. This girl I got paired with to do instructional tasks is a high mtb, and a bit taller than me ( probably 6'0) (brutal). To my surprise, she actually spoke to me, smiled to me, and I caught her looking at me often in my peripheral vision. Am I a high appeal Chad that she likes, or am I a r****d?
theres a possibility she does🙏‼️get to know her more and feel things out and if things are going good go for it brah💪💪