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Christianity destroyed europe

is true.
Both Christianity and Judaism are Semitic religions coming from the Middle East with some strange values that reward weakness and obedience.

on the other hand, the European pagan god rewarded virtue, strength and beauty.
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  • #7
is true.
Both Christianity and Judaism are Semitic religions coming from the Middle East with some strange values that reward weakness and obedience.

on the other hand, the European pagan god rewarded virtue, strength and beauty.
My thought nearly exactly, do you know a youtube channel called the ark ?
religion in general i disagree with
setting up a system of whats "good" and "bad" and then someone believing it is slavery (as in conditioned from birth/young age, forced conversion, brainwashing)
people should come to their own choices and morals from their life experiences
also the church trying to keep power and profit off of people
the church and the pope are the devil
and then sitting and praying and paying money to the church
also religion does not make 100% sense to me..
why does a born rich chad live an easy life a poor incel struggle? why
also there is no concept of free will then. or at least it is limited. and limited free will is not free will. for example a child being born into a certain family and experiencing certain "tests"
also why didnt religion exist for like 290k whatever years before christianity/judaism was introduced
there is also inspiration from judaism religions from previous pagan religions
there is nothing wrong with jesus being a role model if you choose and were not brainwashed/forced into liking him
religion in general i disagree with
setting up a system of whats "good" and "bad" and then someone believing it is slavery (as in conditioned from birth/young age, forced conversion, brainwashing)
people should come to their own choices and morals from their life experiences
also the church trying to keep power and profit off of people
the church and the pope are the devil
and then sitting and praying and paying money to the church
also religion does not make 100% sense to me..
why does a born rich chad live an easy life a poor incel struggle? why
also there is no concept of free will then. or at least it is limited. and limited free will is not free will. for example a child being born into a certain family and experiencing certain "tests"
also why didnt religion exist for like 290k whatever years before christianity/judaism was introduced
there is also inspiration from judaism religions from previous pagan religions
there is nothing wrong with jesus being a role model if you choose and were not brainwashed/forced into liking him
Read like 10 words
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  • #11
religion in general i disagree with
setting up a system of whats "good" and "bad" and then someone believing it is slavery (as in conditioned from birth/young age, forced conversion, brainwashing)
people should come to their own choices and morals from their life experiences
also the church trying to keep power and profit off of people
the church and the pope are the devil
and then sitting and praying and paying money to the church
also religion does not make 100% sense to me..
why does a born rich chad live an easy life a poor incel struggle? why
also there is no concept of free will then. or at least it is limited. and limited free will is not free will. for example a child being born into a certain family and experiencing certain "tests"
also why didnt religion exist for like 290k whatever years before christianity/judaism was introduced
there is also inspiration from judaism religions from previous pagan religions
there is nothing wrong with jesus being a role model if you choose and were not brainwashed/forced into liking him
I'm talking more the ideals of Christianity i don't know if you brought up or no cause I didn't read much
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