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Discussion Conversations in today's world


Well-known member
Jan 21, 2024
Western Europe - Moroccan Muslim
I've noticed that these days, conversations are just a mix of sharing stories, giving opinions, and throwing in some jokes. Then based on how the other person responds, you pivot to different topics, one after another. Topics just bounce around, and it feels like there's a lack of real authenticity. Or maybe it's just me noticing this.

I think this is pretty much the formula for conversations in real life, if it doesn’t turn philosophical or truly engaging, it’s often like this 7 out of 10 times.
I noticed that too. It’s a lot better than dry convos though, I’m surprised at how often people carry convos. School started this first week and many times I’ll say random stuff or say dry stuff like “yeah” and the other person will conversate.
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i think thats how conversations work actually
I literally just noticed this shit.
I noticed that too. It’s a lot better than dry convos though, I’m surprised at how often people carry convos. School started this first week and many times I’ll say random stuff or say dry stuff like “yeah” and the other person will conversate.
I used to have a guy in class who would talk nonstop. You could say yeah the whole time, and he wouldn’t mind. He just kept going, thinking you actually cared, and yeah just reinforced that he thought you were listening.
I just feel like no one feels that anyone would care about the stuff they say
It depends on social hierarchy and the topic. But you are right, most of the time, people don’t really care; they’re just waiting for their turn to talk.
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Convos probably mogged in the 1500's and before when Leanardo Da Vinci was alive for example. Convos went further than todays standard
yeah, people were less busy rotting their brains on social media back then
renaissance is critical too for philosophical thought
in general we've mostly regressed to mimicking already said ideas and what incognito said
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in previous school in my class i talked about testicular cancer and this one guy whenever he had free time would come to me to hear about testicular cancer
What was the reason of his curiosity?
In my country it's really just arguments constantly. My friend group would always have stupid fights over anything. There has been like 5 discords made because each time there would be a massive fallout lol
ik how normies work i can talk to them perfectly fine but the issue is that its not the real me. its constantly putting on an act
brutal. Society in coworkers/clleagues and, in some level, family makes that a need due to social contract. But you can be yourself with people who aren't into your political bubble. Best friends are those living awaaaaay
In my country it's really just arguments constantly. My friend group would always have stupid fights over anything. There has been like 5 discords made because each time there would be a massive fallout lol
You participate on the debate?
does it gets heated?
Sometimes yeah, one time one of my friends suckered punched the other of a chair lol