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cutecels confuse me


Jul 7, 2024
i went down an incel terminology rabbithole (dont ask) and the examples they put for the term ‘cutecel’ made no sense to me

if your not familiar with the term it’s basically a man who doesn’t get girls because he has soft/feminine features

it really doesnt make sense to me because the examples they provided could definitely be found attractive to a lot of girls

thank you for coming to my ted talk

(also cutecels of the forum what are your experiences ALSO DONT COME FOR ME LMAO i could be wrong)
sounds like cope to me but I imagine that their faces are just too feminine for women? obviously more masculine doesn't always equal more attractive pre sure there was a study where 60/40 masc fem split was found most attractive
i went down an incel terminology rabbithole (dont ask) and the examples they put for the term ‘cutecel’ made no sense to me

if your not familiar with the term it’s basically a man who doesn’t get girls because he has soft/feminine features

it really doesnt make sense to me because the examples they provided could definitely be found attractive to a lot of girls

thank you for coming to my ted talk

(also cutecels of the forum what are your experiences ALSO DONT COME FOR ME LMAO i could be wrong)
Cutecels are guys with a babyface, characterized by more facial fat, weak jaws, big eyes, and generally more feminine features, lacking dimorphism. Females tend to gravitate towards more masculine looking men. For example, I have very masculine features, while my brother does not, and I've always had an easier time with women than he has.

The same applies to women. If you saw a woman with a Neanderthal brow ridge for example, she wouldn't be as well liked by men as a girl with a more rounded forehead, which is considered ideal in females.
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Cutecels are guys with a babyface, characterized by more facial fat, weak jaws, big eyes, and generally more feminine features, lacking dimorphism. Females tend to gravitate towards more masculine looking men. For example, I have very masculine features, while my brother does not, and I've always had an easier time with women than he has.

The same applies to women. If you saw a woman with a Neanderthal brow ridge for example, she wouldn't be as well liked by men as a girl with a more rounded forehead, which is considered ideal in females.
i can definitely understand how they might have a harder time with women, i just don’t understand how they would reach incel status from just looking more feminine

i would understand if they had other things that contributed to their inceldom as well. on the wiki they also said they could have other things that contribute to them not being taken seriously, such as autism or other things im blanking on.

i can definitely understand not being taken seriously, i have a lisp and am on the higher end of the autism spectrum (diagnosed by a professional) and it has hindered my romantic life, even as a woman. and im too tall for pedophiles 😒😒 smh. i got a bit off topic there sorry

anyway thank you for your input!
i can definitely understand how they might have a harder time with women, i just don’t understand how they would reach incel status from just looking more feminine

i would understand if they had other things that contributed to their inceldom as well. on the wiki they also said they could have other things that contribute to them not being taken seriously, such as autism or other things im blanking on.
Being a cutecel doesn't automatically make someone an incel. There are cutecels who attract women because some women prefer the nice of baby faced men. Even some pretty boys could be considered cutecels. Cutecels just don't reach typical 'Chad' status, this is the reason some people exaggerate and label these men as incels.
i can definitely understand not being taken seriously, i have a lisp and am on the higher end of the autism spectrum (diagnosed by a professional) and it has hindered my romantic life, even as a woman. and im too tall for pedophiles 😒😒 smh. i got a bit off topic there sorry

anyway thank you for your input!
Yeah, some things like autism or being tall can make things harder but it's not the end of the world, for example, I actually find a lisp cute in women. How tall are you?

In the end, you need to treat this like a scale: on one side, your negative traits, and on the other, your positive ones. As long as the positives significantly outweigh the negatives and you don't have an extreme negative, you'll be fine.
Being a cutecel doesn't automatically make someone an incel. There are cutecels who attract women because some women prefer the nice of baby faced men. Even some pretty boys could be considered cutecels. Cutecels just don't reach typical 'Chad' status, this is the reason some people exaggerate and label these men as incels.

Yeah, some things like autism or being tall can make things harder but it's not the end of the world, for example, I actually find a lisp cute in women. How tall are you?

In the end, you need to treat this like a scale: on one side, your negative traits, and on the other, your positive ones. As long as the positives significantly outweigh the negatives and you don't have an extreme negative, you'll be fine.
I want a tall woman tbh, gotta make some tall sons
How tall are you? Being tall is a real life cheat code, I got lucky because my parents aren't that tall, but I ended up being 6'1".
I’m 6’, similar situation. My mom is 5’3” and my dad is 5’9”
How tall are you? Being tall is a real life cheat code, I got lucky because my parents aren't that tall, but I ended up being 6'1".
I’m 6’, similar situation. My mom is 5’3” and my dad is 5’9”
My father was 5’8” max his entire life, and my mom is around 5’4”, and I’m 6’5” at 15. I think that’s also one of the only reasons I got laid, despite being relatively unattractive, I got very lucky
My father was 5’8” max his entire life, and my mom is around 5’4”, and I’m 6’5” at 15. I think that’s also one of the only reasons I got laid, despite being relatively unattractive, I got very lucky
It’s all the slop making people tall I think
Sugar, milk, protein is legit
My father was 5’8” max his entire life, and my mom is around 5’4”, and I’m 6’5” at 15. I think that’s also one of the only reasons I got laid, despite being relatively unattractive, I got very lucky
damn 6’5” is crazy

did you do anything special or just luck
I ate like a horse during puberty, and I already had a genetic predisposition to being tall. I have very tall relatives.
Eating paid off for the height tbh, but now you have to cut weight, brutal
Eating paid off for the height tbh, but now you have to cut weight, brutal
Well I'm deathly obese, therefore I'm automatically sub5 so losing weight would be in my best interests to no longer be an office plant to women and the rest of society, regardless of my height
My father was 5’8” max his entire life, and my mom is around 5’4”, and I’m 6’5” at 15. I think that’s also one of the only reasons I got laid, despite being relatively unattractive, I got very lucky
6'5" at 15? You’re built for the NBA. Are you by any chance Black?
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