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dating profile

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  • #4
I think you shouldn't add in the last photo, but the rest are really cute. You should definitely include the picture with your glasses on too.

Also, "femcel 4chan dating app," those words contradict each other in so many ways lol.
it went viral for that back in january and was FULL of trolls lol

- On dating app made for femcels

I'm jealous, bro. Wish we had this luxury
I think if there was an incel dating app, there probably wouldn't be any actual females on there lol. All it would is men and the occasional female.

I think there's a femcel dating app because men are starting to find weird/below average looking females more attractive..? Just my opinion, but every men I talked to before "liked" how weird I was and thought it was attractive.
I think if there was an incel dating app, there probably wouldn't be any actual females on there lol. All it would is men and the occasional female.

I think there's a femcel dating app because men are starting to find weird/below average looking females more attractive..? Just my opinion, but every men I talked to before "liked" how weird I was and thought it was attractive.
Endless options, bhai. It really doesn't matter if you're weird looking or mid. You all ascend with somebody :)

Even if you choose an average Joe or Chad, they all would date lower so thats not a problem for you guys

The "femcel" just got a proposal for a relationship from some lean HTN meanwhile I've never talked to a woman in months.

View attachment 38151
I'm chadlite too while she's femcel looks

Brutal SMV gap, one of the more unforgiving blackpilled

Vendetta vendetta my curse :blackpill: x3
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  • #29
are u like inapproachable or something like that
u don't look very bad u look average
most girls where i live have long hair, big tits and dress very provacative i have average tits wear band tees and have short hair most guys prefer other girls
High smv in his country yet nothing ?!Sure bud
I've had women ask me out, but rejected due to social anxiety

Currently I am NEET though so I won't be in exposure any time soon...

Maybe when I get do for my degree I'll overcome this
I've had women ask me out, but rejected due to social anxiety

Currently I am NEET though so I won't be in exposure any time soon...

Maybe when I get do for my degree I'll overcome this
So in a sense you're also a volcel just like her

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