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People can put in their own location however
I am turkish but live in dubai, when im free i go to my home country in turkey, istanbul so basically half the year m in dubai the other half in turkey
haaa türk musun merhaba ben türkiye’de yaşıyorum ve türkçe öğreniyorum

niye dubai’ye taşınmıştın?
aa evet turkum, dunbaiye babamin işi yuzunden tasindik.

sen nerelesin peki ve ne kadardir turkiyedesin
üç sene için burdaydım

orijinal afganistaliyim ama amerika’da doğdum ve büyüdüm

senin babanın işin ne? benim babamda dubaida çalışıyor
sen ne zaman taşmıştın? nasıl orası?
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  • #17
üç sene için burdaydım

orijinal afganistaliyim ama amerika’da doğdum ve büyüdüm

senin babanın işin ne? benim babamda dubaida çalışıyor
sen ne zaman taşmıştın? nasıl orası?
benim babam kimya muhendisi.

senin babanda dubaide calisiyorsa o zaman sende arada bir dubaiye ugriyorsun dimi

senin baban ne is yapyo
benim babam kimya muhendisi.

senin babanda dubaide calisiyorsa o zaman sende arada bir dubaiye ugriyorsun dimi

senin baban ne is yapyo
iyiii mühendis iyii

ben sadece bir kere ziyaret ettim dubai’ye taşınmaktan sonra

benim babam ikinci el araba satıyor
benim babam kimya muhendisi.

senin babanda dubaide calisiyorsa o zaman sende arada bir dubaiye ugriyorsun dimi

senin baban ne is yapyo
sen orada çalışıyor musun? arapça öğreniyor musun?
yok ogrenciyim ben arapca cok bilmiyorum amerikan okulundayim cunku

istanbulda mi oturyorsun sen
haa iyii o zaman iyi ingilizce biliyorsun
lise öğrenci misin?

yok başka şehirde oturuyorum ama burda söylemem
aa cok iyi umarim istedigin isi yaparsin
teşekkür ederim pskiyatrist olmak istiyorum

sorry i dont know how to say this part in turkish but, if you spend half the year in istanbul, how do you attend high school? is it online?
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  • #26
teşekkür ederim pskiyatrist olmak istiyorum

sorry i dont know how to say this part in turkish but, if you spend half the year in istanbul, how do you attend high school? is it online?
yeah, here in dubai we have 3 midterm holidays in each one of them i go to turkey for a week and then attend school online for like 2-3 more weeks and go back to dubai so basically 6 months of school in dubai and 3 months of school online in turkey
yeah, here in dubai we have 3 midterm holidays in each one of them i go to turkey for a week and then attend school online for like 2-3 more weeks and go back to dubai so basically 6 months of school in dubai and 3 months of school online in turkey
thats really cool
we only get 2 weeks break after the first semester and 1 week for eid

so how is it living in both? and when did you move?
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  • #28
thats really cool
we only get 2 weeks break after the first semester and 1 week for eid

so how is it living in both? and when did you move?
yeah i know how schools work in turkey because im acc kinda new to dubai its been only a year, ive spent my whole life in istanbul before i came to dubai.

its acc pretty fun u get to know both cultures but i love turkey more ngl not js because its my country but also because of the ortam there (idk what ortam is in english)

wbu do u visit afganistan or not
yeah i know how schools work in turkey because im acc kinda new to dubai its been only a year, ive spent my whole life in istanbul before i came to dubai.

its acc pretty fun u get to know both cultures but i love turkey more ngl not js because its my country but also because of the ortam there (idk what ortam is in english)

wbu do u visit afganistan or not
wait did you also attend an american high school in istanbul? you must miss turkey and your friends a lot

i only visited afghanistan once when i was 11, i wanted to go two years ago for my uncles wedding but my passport was expired :/ ill go again when there is another wedding
i would like to go back to america for my relatives wedding tho, i miss my friends and family
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  • #30
wait did you also attend an american high school in istanbul? you must miss turkey and your friends a lot

i only visited afghanistan once when i was 11, i wanted to go two years ago for my uncles wedding but my passport was expired :/ ill go again when there is another wedding
i would like to go back to america for my relatives wedding tho, i miss my friends and family
no i acc was in a public highschool in turkey

what do you think of turkey and its people so far